Devotional for Tuesday, November 15, 2016
“Amazing Isn’t It?”

by Dona Hake
Whenever I think about the day Jesus was crucified I often think about what it would have been like to actually be there in the crowd as He passed by carrying that awful cross after being bruised and beaten. I cannot even imagine the pain and sorrow in the hearts that loved and followed Him. It must have be so horrible for them to watch the one they loved agonizing in His death. There were those that heard the words that He spoke while He hung there. At one point while Jesus was agonizing in His torture, and suffering He looked down and said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Amazing, isn’t it? I think of the horrible pain and suffering His body was experiencing, and He still found it in His heart to speak that which was pleasing to His Heavenly Father.
Two criminals hung on each side of Jesus dying a death they both deserved, and this was their conversation: One of the criminals who were hanging to one side of Jesus was hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!” But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” And Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:39-43 (NASB)
Amazing isn’t it??….that a man was being crucified for his crime, and up until his last breath he found enough strength to mock the Living Son of God ? The other one that was dying on the cross because of his crime and he glances in Jesus’ direction, and saw his need for deliverance, and believed that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. One of this man’s last words was a question to Jesus. “Will you remember me?” He believed that Jesus was who He claimed that He was, and this man’s last hope and prayer was for Jesus to remember him. Amazing isn’t it??? … that Jesus assured this man by giving him a second chance. A second chance that he did not deserve in light of his crime.
This criminal was breathing his last painful breaths yet he was asking a question that would change his life for his life was redeemed by the Living Savior Jesus! This would not be a second chance to do his life over again but rather he would have the chance to live eternally in heaven with our Lord. The grace brought to us by the Lord is amazing isn’t it?
He gives us all second chances in this life every time He forgives us. When we humble ourselves to Him in our sin He simply forgives us, and wipes the slate of our heart clean. Amazing isn’t it?…He gives us something so precious, and we do not have to work for it because His Son did it all at the cross. The man on the cross did not deserve a second chance in the eyes of man, and the cross was his punishment. You see, this man’s heart was truly repentant, therefore he was with Jesus after he breathed his last breath. Amazing grace…it’s just that simple yet oh how precious and beautiful it is my friend!
Maybe you feel you have done some things, and you do not deserve a second chance. I want to proclaim today to you that we serve a God of second chances! Today may I stir your heart to think about what Jesus did on the cross for any sin you have ever done. There is no sin that His love and forgiveness will not cover. If you need a second chance I encourage you to look in His direction and ask Him for your heart to be cleansed and be made right with Him.. He is faithful to forgive and bless us with new beginnings. Amazing isn’t it?