Devotional for Wednesday, December 28, 2016
“Being a Vessel For the Master’s Use”

by Dona Hake
God desires that we show love to those around us in word, in our behavior and in our deeds. Think about times in your life that without the love, prayers, and help from people in your life, you would not have made it through a particular hardship. Never underestimate the times that you have felt prompted to pray for someone and you had no idea of what they were walking through. Simple obedience to the Lord could mean a major victory in an individual’s life. Many times the Lord wants to use us to touch those in need around us, and we must be willing to avail ourselves to Him that we can make a difference in someone’s life. I find this scripture interesting as well as applicable to the thought I am bringing to you today.
Proverbs 20:12
“It was the Lord who gave us eyes for seeing and ears for hearing.”
Very simply put here in the Proverbs, and it is basically saying that God desires us to use that which He has given us. He wants to use our eyes to show us what He is seeing and He wants to use our ears to cause us to hear the hearts of people around us. Let us ask the Lord to help us to see and hear the cry of people around us. I have had times where I might see a complete stranger and I see pain in their eyes and I walk away and just whisper a prayer for them. I more than likely will never see nor speak to them ever again yet I believe the Lord uses us to possibly change situations through such simple prayers. Again, see people’s hearts with God’s eyes and you will not miss such opportunities to show love in word, deed or in praying.
Keep your ears and eyes open to those around you. Never take the position that you have to know all the facts before you can pray. If you see or hear pain or need…just pray. Fancy words and details are many times not important…just pray as the Holy Spirit leads you. God wants to use us to reach down and strengthen those that need our help.
Lord, we ask You this day to use us as vessels that see as You see and hear as You hear. We ask that You touch people around us as we are obedient to You. We thank You for divine opportunities to be a blessing to those in need for we know there are so many around us that need help. In Jesus Name, Amen!