Posted on Jul 29, 2016 in Devotions |
Devotional for Friday, July 29, 2016
“As You Turn Your Heart To Him”

by Dona Hake
We must know that we are being completely honest with God about every area of our life. In order to do this we must ALWAYS be honest with ourselves. When one fails to be honest with themselves they enter into one of the most dangerous things ever and that is self deception. The Devil has a hay day with this one! If he can get you to think you are just fine when you really are not…his work is done. He has convinced you that there is no need for you to humble yourself and get help and guidance from the Lord .
“Self” has a voice that will try to distract us at times, and we need to know when this is happening. The Psalmist prayed in Psalm 119…
Psalm 119:36-40 (NIV)
“Turn my heart toward your statutes
and not toward selfish gain.
Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
preserve my life according to your word.”
This is a beautiful prayer that will keep you on track. As you sincerely ask Him to keep your heart turned in His direction you will quickly recognize when fleshly desires are trying to get you off the right path. He will faithfully reveal to you the things in this life that are of no worth so you can look away from them before they grip your heart. It is as we look to Him in this way that our life will be preserved blameless before Him. Praise the living God today and purpose to keep the eyes of your heart toward Him!