Devotional for Friday, September 23, 2016
“His Light In You!”

by Dona Hake
Today I am desiring to cause you to ponder that His light lives within you, and for that we should feel honored and thank Him. Oh how blessed we are in knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ desires to shine through us in word and in deed. We live in a world in which there is darkness and confusion among those that do not know Him. How else will they know there is light if we do not allow Him to shine through us? May we permit Him to shine in a great way!
Matthew 5:14-16 ( Amplified )
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.”
God is calling us as believers to shine and bloom where we are planted. Let me mention at this point also that He is going to use each one of us differently and uniquely. We should never compare how God chooses to use us to how He works through others. This is not a competition, it is command….we are lights and we are to shine! Today I encourage you to shine for Him through every word and deed you do. As He continues to mold and make you into His image He will be faithful to show Himself through you that others may see how awesome He is, and honor and glorify His Holy Name!