Devotional for Tuesday, March 27, 2018
“His Name Is Wonderful”

by Dona Hake
Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful…”
While we usually look at this scripture more when we ponder the birth of Jesus, today let us look at this it in light of the death of our Lord. “…unto us a child is given.” God’s Son was given to us but God’s whole plan was to give Him up for us. Jesus…the ultimate sacrifice for our sin. The sin we could never pay for. God’s plan to deal with our sin problem was to give up His Son to redeem us back to Him. Our Lord is wonderful isn’t He? Today I desire to stir your hearts to remember His wonderful work of redemption in you.
Let’s look at words synonymous to wonderful… awesome, wondrous, miraculous, prodigious, astonishing, amazing, astounding, phenomenal. This is the Jesus that we serve. As believers we can testify of the many wonderful things He has done in our lives, and we should never lose sight of those things. Let us never live one day without thankfulness in our hearts for the wonderful work at the cross that we could be redeemed, set free, and living our lives without the guilt and shame that we once knew.
At times I have tried to imagine what it would be like to live life without Him, and I cannot fathom it. I often think of people that do not know Him, and wonder how they get through one day in this life. I look at myself before I knew Him, and I will never forget what was going on in my heart and soul. In the stubbornness of my heart forty five years ago I continued to reject Him. I knew something was missing, and that feeling of something being missing is what would not leave my soul alone, and it drew me to the Lord’s love. One thing that I will never forget, and that is how I would lay on my bed as a teenager, and before falling off to sleep for two solid years I would pray…”Lord there has to be more to this life than this.” I will never forget the night that my blinded eyes were open. When I surrendered it all to Him, and it was then that I came to know true life. God’s wonderful work in me! Now…think back on when you surrendered your life to Him.
We need to tell of His wonderful works when people ask why we carry such joy. I encourage you to ponder the many testimonies that you have witnessed in your life since your have come to know Him, and just take time to give thanks to Jesus for He is so wonderful!! Tell of His wonderful works!!
Psalm 40:5 (ERV)
“Lord my God, you have done many amazing things!
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
because there are too many to count.”
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
because there are too many to count.”