Devotional for Sunday, January 20, 2019
“You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup“
“You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup“

By Dona Hake
“Remember to take care of yourself,
You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
The Lord desires that we always be ready to give of ourselves. Oh to live a selfless and obedient life for Him that when He calls upon us, we would quickly obey, and capture the divine opportunities He presents us with.
Today I want you to focus on yourself. I am hoping as you have read the first paragraph that your heart agreed with how you need to live in a readiness for His use. This can only be done as we are full of our Lord. But there is much to be said about living full of Him. So full of Him that we are walking in overflow. Sadly there may be times we have encountered feeling like we are dry and parched within because we have not been diligent to remain in His presence and in His Word. The vitality of our spiritual health is dependent upon our obedience to Him in fellowshipping with Him and meditating upon His Word. No one else can do that for us.
We must also be living in total trust in Him and His grace for without Him we can do nothing. We must be seeking His wisdom over the use of our time, and taking care of our bodies. Without these healthy bodies and minds kept at peace and full of godly wisdom , we will most certainly be hindered in our ability to be used by Him.
It would be a good thing for us to just stop ourselves, and ask if what we are doing is what the Lord is requiring, and speaking to us about. I think of the many times people just “do“ for fear of what people think if they “do not“. Many times we can put expectations on ourselves that rob us of our strength, peace, and soundness of mind. Basically this happens because that expectation was never God‘s will to begin with.
All this said, I believe with all my heart that as we seek Him first, and stay tuned to His voice throughout the day we will continue to grow in evaluating ourselves that we can be assured that we are on the right track. I desire and I know you do too to be a vessel for His use, therefore let us continue to seek Him first, and keep watch over the care of our spirit, soul, body and the time that He has entrusted us with.