Devotional for Monday, January 22, 2018
“Those Clever Entanglements..”

by Dona Hake
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud
of witnesses who by faith have testified
to the truth
of God’s absolute faithfulness,
stripping off every
unnecessary weight and
the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us,
let us run with endurance and
active persistence the race that is set before us,”
One time I saw a video of a deer that was tangled up in netting in the woods, and it laid helplessly and unable to move. Two gentlemen saw this poor deer’s dilemma and approached it but the deer began to frantically and fearfully try to escape the trap it was in. The closer they got they spoke softly to it, and the deer soon seemed to understand that they were trying to help. They carefully cut away that which was entangling it and finally the deer went free. It was precious to see it set free from all the entanglements that would of surely caused it harm or death in due time.
This story caused me to think about how we need to be careful and watchful over our souls that there is not a sin that is cleverly trying to put us in a position in which the enemy can entangle us and consume us. Oh thank God for those times when we are in a state of being helpless that the Lord can calm us with His loving hand, and undo all those things that have our hearts and souls tangled and bound up. As we watch over our hearts and minds through prayer and fellowship with our Lord, He will help us to discern those clever attempts that the evil one tries to deceive us with. Let us run with endurance and active persistence that race that is set before us in Jesus Name!