Devotional thoughts
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

By Dona Hake
“He is ever present with me; at all times He goes before me. I will not live in fear or abandon my calling because He stands at my right hand.” Psalm 16:8 The Voice
God is always with us, and He goes before us. For this reason we need not let the voice and power of fear to hinder us in the work He has assigned to us. Last week we meditated upon the word ~STAND~ and I love how the end of this verse proclaims that He stands at our right hand.
God promises to be with us at all times and lead us in our way. I am sure it grieves the heart of God when one does not follow through with His will for them. After all He has promised to lead and guide us and give us the strength. Yet fear of failure, lack of faith….whatever it may be can cause a believer to give up, and not move forward in their divine assignment for their day and their life.
As I ponder this thought I want to just challenge you to know that He cares about the smallest of things that matter to you today. It is vitally important that we include Him and draw upon His grace for all things that pertain to our life.
He also wants to speak to you, and move through you that you can be a living testimony to those that do not know Him and understand His ways. The Lord is our Shepherd, and He desires that we live as ones that have no want for anything but Him.
“This is a good life —my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy, and my body is at rest. Who could want for more?”Psalm 16:8 – 9.
The Voice
“God is good all the time all the time God is good!“
Over the next few days we will be meditating on the word ~ALL~. It is a powerful little word! Today as you go about the work God has put in your hands, continue to meditate about all the good things He has blessed you with, and all the many ways He has been there to help and deliver you and your times of trouble. God bless you and have a wonderful day!