by Dona Hake
I feel so blessed that I had opportunity to visit North Wales two different times. The one thing that I could not wait to experience was to get inside one of their amazing castles. As I walked through these medieval buildings I wondered about the lives that were protected when battles were fought behind the walls. They were strong and mighty walls that were built with the purpose of protection.
Our Lord promises us a place to run and hide when the battle starts to rage around us. I believe He desires that we hide in His place of safety even when the battle is not on. He desires that we live under the shadow of His wings. Yet when the heat of life is turned up we are promised that His great strength and mighty wisdom will instruct us in our battles. We must remember to stay under His shadow though. We cannot throw up our hands and give up for He goes before us and He promises to win the battle. Praise Him for He is our place of hiding and because of that we can have courage to live this life!
Psalm 71:3 (ESV)
“Be to me a rock of refuge,
to which I may continually come;
you have given the command to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress.”