by Dona Hake
In the presence of your fears Jesus can be your refuge. He is our hiding place and He desires that we run into His presence. Many times our fears are very real and then are those times that worry has created something that has exaggerated a problem. I have heard it said that worry casts a big shadow on a small thing. Worry and fear work hand in hand and if left go they will gain momentum.
One of the meanings of worry is “to gnaw,” that is, to cut, bite and wear away bit by bit. Worry will destroy your peace of mind and it will serve to threaten the strength of your faith. Worry, like rumination, is to chew over and over again what has already been chewed. I have heard the truth many times that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”
I love this quote by Luci Swindoll, “Whether our fear is absolutely realistic or out of proportion in our minds, our greatest refuge is Jesus Christ.” It matters not whether your fear is big or small, or unrealistic Jesus does not want us abiding in that which will destroy our peace and strength of heart. He desires we run to Him with our cares, our worries, and our fears. Run to that place of refuge where He promises to deliver you and keep you as you abide in Him.
Psalm 46:1 (AMP)
“God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation],
a very present and well-proved help in trouble.”