by Dona Hake
I am enjoying looking at words that define and explain who Jesus is to us. Today we will think about Jesus being our light. When things seem dark and dim, HE IS the Light. When you do not seem to understand the whole picture ask Him for light on the matter, for HE IS Light.
I remember very well when my life seemed to be empty and without hope. On that day that I surrendered my all I can remember feeling the weight of the world drop off of me. It seemed like all of the sudden I just saw everything differently. Jesus the Light came into my heart and from that day forward He has illuminated my every path!
Psalm 36:9 (CEV)
“The life-giving fountain
belongs to you,
and your light gives light
to each of us.”
I am so thankful that His light abides within me. Today let us think about how our life, words and actions show forth the Light which is our loving Savior Jesus Christ!
1 John 1:5 (The Message)
“This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ
and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light;
there’s not a trace of darkness in him.”
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