by Dona Hake
As I am composing this devotional it is very late in the evening, and I am looking forward to a new fresh day in the Lord. Even though my body is tired right now, I look forward to awaking and meeting up with His new mercies. Mornings causes me to think of new beginnings. I encourage you today to face your day knowing there are fresh new mercies from Him just for you! I am sharing with you today a revised archived devotional from December of 2013 and I hope it blesses your heart.
At the end of many days I may look back on my day and wished that I would have said or done things differently but praise God He faithfully forgives and He promises to help me do better as I lean upon Him for all wisdom and strength. One of the first things I try to do each morning as I greet Him is remind myself and thank Him that His mercies are new every morning. My day is a fresh canvas and I am hoping I will do His will with His help.
I have a decorative slate in my kitchen. Every so often I will write a thought or scripture on it and it reminds me of something I am meditating on. The other evening I was trying to do some different cursive handwriting with the chalk and I kept messing up. I was glad I could just erase it and start over and work at it till I had it exactly the way I wanted it. So it is with the Lord’s mercies, they are new and fresh each morning. Thank God we have fresh starts each day and we can learn from our yesterdays. He is there to help us to keep working out those things that we are trying to get right in our lives. Thank God that our mess ups are forgiven and wiped away with the blood of Jesus!
Psalm 34:8
“Oh, put God to the test and see how kind he is! See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in him.”
Psalm 143:8
“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”