by Dona Hake
I thank God that He sent Jesus! When Jesus came as a gift to us, He brought life giving light with Him. I can remember all too well the darkness and hopelessness of my life before the light of Jesus came in and illuminated my path. Even after we know Him, situations we face can bring times in which we cannot see which way to go. Our decision making may seem foggy and we are confused. Praise God, His light gives the light we need! When things seem dark and dim, HE IS the Light. When you do not seem to understand the whole picture ask Him for light on the matter, for HE IS Light. Sometimes we just need fresh perspective on how we are seeing things.
Have you ever tried to read the teeny tiny print on a medicine bottle, and it almost seems impossible? I always think, “Why do they make this so very hard to see?” ,Yet if I move into some really great light, it is all so much better. Sometimes we just need to re-position ourselves and get into better “light”. When things seem hard to understand we need to ask God to shine His light upon the situation. We need to seek Him for the “position” He desires for us that we may see things as He sees them. As we do this we will immediately receive a godly perspective. All of a sudden you see the wisdom that we need and it is as if our path was not as dark and crooked as it appeared. God is light, pure light and there is absolutely NO trace of darkness in Him!
Psalm 36:9 (CEV)
“The life-giving fountain
belongs to you,
and your light gives light
to each of us.”