“Abundant peace belongs to those
who love Your instruction;
nothing makes them stumble.”
I thought it would be interesting to share some definitions I found on the word stumble.
I am thanking God today that He has made provision that we do not stumble. Have you ever walked into a place of business to find a “Wet floor” sign or “Caution Ahead” signs on the road? Those words are there to warn us of possible danger, and as we heed to them we can proceed in safety, and confidence. The Word of God also provides words of caution, admonishment, and great instruction for us to walk in. I do not know about you, but I find great peace in knowing that God has provided every answer I need in His Word. His Spirit is here to guide me into all of His truth, and He will teach me things that I do not understand. As we abide in this great instruction,our peace will be great, and we will be kept from stumbling. The tricks of the devil will clearly be exposed, and you will remain guarded with His abundant peace.
I encourage you today that He has provided everything you need in His Word that your life can be permeated with great peace. I thank God for those times that He has reached down and lifted me back up when I have stumbled in my way. Great is His forgiveness and faithfulness. Great is His peace. Purpose to seek these things, enjoy them , and possess them as you serve Him everyday!