by Dona Hake
I am continuing to focus of having a heart of thanks and proclamation of God’s goodness in our lives. Today let us look at announcing His wonderful and powerful deeds.
It seems like only yesterday that I burned my left hand and was diagnosed with third degree burns. It was pain like I have ever experienced. Both my Granddaughters were with me, and my oldest sat with me on the sofa immediately after it happened. I was about half out of it because of the pain, it hurt so badly, I could not hold back my tears. I was so stunned, and disoriented from that pain that I just did not even know what to do as far as caring for it. A soft Quietly my Granddaughter said, “Grandma, I want to go to the Doctor with you. Can I?”
My husband came home and prayed for me immediately. I had decided to go to a Patient Care because I wanted to know how to care for the burn properly. The attending physician was shocked to see how bad it was and proceeded to immediately get my ring off because my circulation was being cut off. She had told me that it would take at least three weeks for the burn to heal, and she prescribed a heavy duty pain killer just so I could sleep. She carefully bandaged it and sent me home.
I will try to make this somewhat long story short. My progress was absolutely phenomenal. The first night’s sleep was without any pain, and I used NO pain medication at all. I was using my hand almost immediately with no pain or hindrance from the burn. I just could not believe it. Within a five day period, the blisters came off, and there was absolutely no scaring at all.
I can remember my Granddaughter’s face when she saw how Tuesday of that week, my hands were with pure white blisters and on Thursday the blisters were gone and my hand was totally normal. Her little jaw dropped and she inquired how it happened. She could not understand how the blisters were gone and my hand looked normal again. I said, “Honey, Jesus healed Grandma’s hand!”
“Each generation will announce
to the next
your wonderful
and powerful deeds.
I will keep thinking about
your marvelous glory
and your mighty miracles.”
to the next
your wonderful
and powerful deeds.
I will keep thinking about
your marvelous glory
and your mighty miracles.”
Psalm 145: 4-5
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my Granddaughter will never forget sitting with me as I cried in pain when my hand was burned. She still tells me how she remembers how I screamed in pain when it happened. I also know that she will never forget seeing my hand totally whole and healed! Let us proclaim to our children and our children’s children the wonderful works of the Lord. Give thanks to the loving, living God! Our testimonies will surely point people to look to Jesus Christ.