by Dona Hake
Today I want to point you toward thinking about the rich goodness, and greatness of God. God is full of goodness and mercy, and He desires that all know Him to be a good God. The Psalmist exclaims in the scripture below that he is captivated with God’s majesty and glorious splendor! Let us read it…
Psalm 145:5-7 (The Voice)
“Your majesty and glorious splendor have captivated me;
I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.
We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works.
I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.
The news of Your rich goodness is no secret—
Your people love to recall it
and sing songs of joy to celebrate Your righteousness.”
I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.
We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works.
I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.
The news of Your rich goodness is no secret—
Your people love to recall it
and sing songs of joy to celebrate Your righteousness.”
I can remember one particular time that I took one of my sons to the movies to see “The Prince of Egypt”. My favorite part of that movie was when Moses parted the sea. The creators of the movie made it so visually awesome, and quite captivating. I can still remember glancing at my son and his little friend and both of them looked like their eyes were as big as saucers! They sat motionless and totally captivated as Moses and the people crossed through the parted sea.
Maybe you can remember a spectacular moment like that where your heart was captivated by something or someone. Now, let us think about how we need to be captivated with our God just because He is who He is. He is good. He is great and is adorned in glorious splendor. He loves us unconditionally, and He wants to pour out unlimited grace to us today. On and on I could go, but I encourage you to ponder all that He is to you and all that He has done for you in your life.
The more we stay captivated with Him the more we will recall the works He has done for us and share it with those around us. One last thought that should really bless you, and that is that God is captivated with you. His eyes are on you and He loves us so much. God was so captivated with you that He sent His only Son to die for you and redeem you from your sin. He loves you so much and just desires to pour forth all that He is that you live this life in abundance!
God, there is nothing greater than You! Your rich goodness is no secret, let us be mindful to proclaim it as we keep our hearts captivated with You and Your love.