“Beasts, birds, reptiles and all kinds of sea-creatures can be, and in fact are, tamed by man, but no one can tame the human tongue. It is an evil always liable to break out, and the poison it spreads is deadly. We use the tongue to bless our Father, God, and we use the same tongue to curse our fellow-men, who are all created in God’s likeness.
Blessing and curses come out of the same mouth—surely, my brothers, this is the sort of thing that never ought to happen! Have you ever known a spring to give sweet and bitter water simultaneously? Have you ever seen a fig-tree with a crop of olives, or seen figs growing on a vine? It is just as impossible for a spring to give fresh and salt water at the same time.”
Words spoken apart from God’s wisdom can cut deep into the soul. Words that proceed from an angry heart can be mean and spiteful. God desires that our words and actions are the fruit of all that He is. Wisdom is knowing what is true or right coupled with good and just judgment as to what action to take.
I believe that James was addressing the importance that we take seriously that we are being consistent with our words and actions. “Blessing and curses come out of the same mouth- surely, my brothers, this is the sort of thing that never out to happen!” These are strong words that James spoke but yet they are true. I believe James was strongly admonishing those he was speaking to that they keep an eye on the fruit that they are bearing.
As we purpose to keep our words in line with what we believe, we will be examples of consistency in God’s ways. Our judgments will be pure and we will have discerning hearts.