by Dona Hake
Today will be the last day that I will share from 1 Corinthians 13. I have enjoyed looking at what love is and what it is not over that past few weeks. The last of the attributes of love in I Corinthians 13, it is written that love NEVER fails. The longer we are alive the more we realize that there are things that we thought were guaranteed to last somewhat, and they simply do not. I often think that appliances in this day and age are manufactured not to last but to break in a matter of time. I thank God that His love is tried and true and we have an eternal guarantee never fails,and it has no expiration date. but it is eternal.
As we rejoice in knowing that love never fails, we can rejoice greatly in the fact that we will never be separated from it. Romans 8:39 it says, “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” As we stay in fellowship with the God of love, light and life we will continue to go forward. Know that there will be times in this life that we may fail, but God and His love NEVER fail. He is always there for us and He promises to continue to be there for us.
Every day there will be new challenges that can bring potential frustrations that can tempt us to be weary and cause our heart to fear failing. Be encouraged, we serve a God of love that never fails. Our loving Heavenly Father is there to deliver us and bring us out of circumstances and we will be stronger than before!