This young man served in Afghanistan, and lost both of his legs. He spent 60 months at Walter Reed Hospital. One of the things he shared was that one of his greatest inspirations was watching other brothers and sisters that came back from combat that had injuries such as his. Some lost both legs, some lost both legs in both arms, and some were blind, etc. His desire is to carry on his fight for the cause, and run for Congressman now. This is such a story of courage and perseverance. This is all about refusing to quit but rather looking into the future with a purpose no matter what is trying to hold you back.
Today I want to share how this story hit me. You know you can hear about someone’s trials, and if you permit the Lord to do so, He can cause your heart to be enlarged by them. He can cause you to see something totally different than before because now you have a new perspective. The scripture I want to share with you is from Proverbs.
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance
of his friend [to show rage or worthy purpose].
This scripture is so fitting. You see, life can bring us circumstances, and those circumstances bring us a choice…be bitter or be better. This gentleman made the choice to be better, and go forth in his life continuing the fight for his country. His brothers and sisters in combat that he was inspired by were those that also chose to keep fighting and not quit. They understood that they were home from a battle in another country but still another battle continues in their bodies and in their minds.
If one has unfortunate things and tragedy come into their life such as this young man did, one can give up. What is even more sad is when an individual like this would chooses to surround himself with people that are hopeless, angry, and possibly show rage from within their hearts in some way or another.
As we love and stay in fellowship with one another, we will surely grow as we watch one another grow in our faith. We must make a decision that no matter what we walk through that we are going to continue to fight the good fight. Look forward to hearing the testimonies from your brothers and sisters in Christ that are fighting the good fight, and you will be sharpened by their victory. Today let us look forward with courage in our hearts, purpose and be deliberate in continuing to serve our Lord with great determination that we can inspire others to live a life of worthy purpose.