by Dona Hake
Yesterday I shared with you how our Lord desires to whisper sweet things to our hearts. He desires that you look up and expect to hear His plans for you! Let us meditate today on how the Lord knows and understands the depths of our hearts. He cares about every tiny detail, and because of that He desires we refuse to carry care about our life. He knows when we are hurting and He desires to heal and restore our broken hearts. After all He counts the stars and knows them all by name. How much more He knows every detail of your frame, and what is going on inside of you!!
Psalm 147:3-5 (TLB)
“He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds. He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great he is! His power is absolute! His understanding is unlimited.”
I love these verses and I love thinking about how God knows all the specifics about everything. He knows everything about everything that He created. He created you and the stars and there is no limit to what He knows! This is a powerful thought isn’t it?
Today, I encourage you to think about the magnificence of the God that we serve. With one sweep of His hand He placed the stars in the sky, and named each one of them. That same hand formed you in your mother’s womb, and He knew you before you acknowledged Him as your Lord and Savior. Seek Him today to be a carrier of all that He is to all those around you!