by Dona Hake
Proverbs 30:5 Expanded Bible
“Every word of God ·is true [passes the test; is refined;
·He guards those [ They are a shield to those] who come to
him for ·safety [refuge].
·He guards those [ They are a shield to those] who come to
him for ·safety [refuge].
God’s Word to us is flawless, and each and every one of His Words will shield us. We need not try to analyze this and try to figure it out but rather let us only believe that His Word is true. In your day of battle you are promised that His Word will shield you and keep you. It is in those times when the fiery darts of the enemy come to penetrate your soul that the Word of God that you believe and speak will be a protection, a refuge, and you will walk in victory. In the book of John it is written that Jesus said if we are faithful to what He says that we are truly His disciples. Praise God that truly knowing the truth and being set free go hand in hand!
John 8:31-32 (PHILLIPS)
“If you are faithful to what I have said,
you are truly my disciples. And you will
know the truth and the truth will set you free!”
Oh that we would be diligent to know His Word that we may be free in every area of our lives. Let us never add or subtract from His Word either.
Proverbs 30:6 says “Add thou not anything to the words of him, and thou be reproved, and be found a liar. (Do not thou add anything to his words, lest thou be rebuked, and be found a liar.)”
Again let us be reminded that God’s Word is perfect. Let us never add our own thoughts or opinions to the Word of God because His Word is total truth and nothing needs added to it. Father God, we thank you that You have made it so simple for us. Oh that our hearts would be faithful to all that You have said in Your Word. We are so grateful for the freedom that we have been blessed to live
and walk in because Your Word has set us free! We ask that Your Holy Spirit continue to teach us how to live and abide by Your Word in even the smallest of areas in our lives. We thank You for that. In Jesus Name, Amen!