Yesterday, we looked at the awesomeness of our loving God, and how we need never be separated from His wonderful love! Whether you believe in God or not…HE IS faithful. Whether you believe He can help you or you feel He can not…you thoughts on the matter do not change what He is able to do. His faithfulness is not dictated by what we do or do not do, HE WILL ALWAYS BE A FAITHFUL GOD! We took Him out of our schools, but HE IS still faithful to the heart that is only permitted to silently pray to Him. In a time where we seem to have to be politically correct on ridiculous things about Him…let us remember that HE ALWAYS WAS AND HE STILL REMAINS, for He is faithful!
I can remember a coach being interviewed. He was a believer and he stated, “I’m not interested in being politically correct, I’m interested in being spiritually correct!” Later in the interview it was mentioned that someone twittered the following comment relative to this, “It is no wonder our youth have no moral compass.” It is a very troubling time in which we live in isn’t it?
I just want to encourage you to hold fast, do not be moved, for if you are a believer, you serve a God that is faithful. This faithfulness was extended from the moment His hand created the sun and the moon. As He placed the stars in the sky, and created every beautiful thing you enjoy today, let this be a reminder to you of His wonderful faithfulness. In the present moment that you are living, He is ever so faithful and desires to be a part of your world. Nothing ever changes with God.
Psalm 119:90-91 Living Bible
“Your faithfulness extends to every generation,
like the earth you created;
it endures by your decree,
for everything serves your plans.”
“Everything God has done will last forever;
nothing he does can ever be changed. God has done all this,
so that we will worship him.”