by Dona Hake
Today I would like for us to meditate upon the importance of our hearts being a place of stillness, peace, calm, and silence. I particularly want us to look at the word ~silence~. Silence is the absence of any sound or noise, it is a place of stillness.
Many times when we think of noise we may think about the noises that go on in our house. Maybe you have small children that get loud at times or you have a particular appliance that gets on your nerves because it is so loud. You may go to work where there are loud noises and it hurts your ears. Sometimes you may be in your car and out of nowhere an ambulance or police car’s siren can alarm you because it is so loud. You may think at times that you just want to get to a place where there is total peace and quiet. Noise is so much a part of the world in which we live, but what about the noise that goes on in our minds and hearts because we have not been diligent to keep our thoughts, troubles and opinions in their proper place. It is sad to say that many people live with constant “noise” between their ears and in their heart, and it just becomes a normal thing and they accept it to be something they have to live with. Here is a beautiful quote by Mother Teresa for you to ponder….
speaks in the silence of the heart.
Listening is the
beginning of prayer.”
beginning of prayer.”
Our heart is the place that our Lord dwells and I believe it should be a place of stillness and silence. The Word tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence for from it flows the issues of life. May our hearts and minds be a guarded place. May we learn to arrest those thoughts that come from out of nowhere to rob you of your peace. Ask yourself if that thought is worthy of remaining in your mind and robbing you of the precious peace you desire. Today I encourage you to yearn for your heart to be a place of silence and refuge. May it be a place so quiet that you can hear your Lord speak to you in prayer. Silence in the heart is truly the sweetest silence to know!