Devotional for Saturday, September 17, 2016
“The Good Things Ahead!”

by Dona Hake
Today I want to share something I saw on social media the other day, and I thought it would stir your hearts.
“Even though there are days
I wish I could change some
things that happened in the
past, there’s a reason the rear
view mirror is so small and
the windshield is so big…
Where you are headed is
much more important than what
you have left behind.”
I wish I could change some
things that happened in the
past, there’s a reason the rear
view mirror is so small and
the windshield is so big…
Where you are headed is
much more important than what
you have left behind.”
A quote like this could hit each of us differently, and for that reason I encourage you to ponder it, and allow the Lord to minister to your heart. The truth that hit me here is to leave behind any negatives or things that have hurt me in my past. For any of us to continue to dwell and refuse to let go of what has happened to us in the past will surely be a breeding ground for the seeds of bitterness to enter our heart. No matter what we go through, we must return to the truth that there is not one thing that should have the power to hold us back. Yet, unforgiveness does have that power. In fact it has the power to imprison us to our past. Ultimately you will relive your past over and over in your mind, and it will freeze you from freely going forward in your walk with the Lord.
May we look in the “rear view mirrors” of our life, and make a quality decision that we can attain wisdom from our experiences from the past. May our hearts rejoice daily that God sent His only Son and forgave each of us from all of our sins, and we too can freely offer forgiveness when we need to.
Experiences from our past can serve as teaching moments that we can pass on when we are called upon to do so. I love when I can pass on wisdom to someone in need just because I totally identify with their hurt. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, each and everyone of us has a big future whether we are young or old. Live life to it’s fullest with the help of your Lord, and go forward triumphantly in His plan!
Philippians 3:13 ERV
“Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go.
But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the
past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me.”