Devotional for Friday, August 11, 2017
“How Does This Minister To Your Heart?

by Dona Hake
I saw this image on social media this morning, and I wanted to share it with you! Here is an image with simple yet powerful words. I will share with you what my heart received from this.
This challenges my heart to seize the opportunities the Lord puts before me, and never get comfortable in my self made “safe place”. The only safe place I should abide in is Him…under the wings of the Almighty God!!! No man made comfort zones allowed!
We live in a time in which we are offered so much to make our lives easier and convenient…things that are saving us time. Do not get me wrong…I love modern conveniences yet it seems the more conveniences we are blessed with the less time we seem to have. It may be that we are filling that extra time with things that are not as important as we think they are. Sometimes the more we have the more we overlook our simple sweet blessings. Sometimes the more we have, the more we want. So where am I going with this thought?
We must all guard our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to remind us that we do not enter and “park” ourselves in our self made comfort zones. Those places we call “happy places” or those things we desire that draw our hearts away from our Lord. We owe our every breath and life to Him.
The Lord has created each of us, and He is desiring that we be His mighty vessels that carry life, light and His love into the “oceans” where there are the weary, needy, and without Him. Today I encourage you to look at this image and permit the Lord to speak to your heart in a very special way.