Devotional for Friday, September 29, 2017
“A Humble Heart Receives Correction”

by Dona Hake
When the Lord speaks to me in my quiet time or during a time of hearing the Word I love to write it down and read it many times over. My special notebook has various scriptures, thoughts, and unique quotes. It is a good thing to journal such things to look back on, reflect and deepen our revelations that we receive from Him.
This morning during my time of prayer I was re-reading over some notes that I had written a while back and I wanted to share them with you today.
“God may need to correct or rebuke us to get us back on track. Life is full of corrections on our course. Lord, you are my Shepherd, lead me! He always leads us into truth. What am I living by? Is it the truth? His Word keeps my life on course. One needs to keep their heart humbled that the Lord can do a work in their heart.”
In the silence before Him this morning, He once again reminded me that He loves me, and because He loves me I should desire His loving correction. Most importantly I must keep my heart humble. Oh that we would be ever so mindful of staying humble before Him at all times for it is then that He can speak to our hearts at any given time. Thank you Lord for keeping us standing firm and able to walk and go forward in Your will.