Devotional for Tuesday, October 10, 2017
“Extending His Mercy”

by Dona Hake
Today let us meditate upon the mercy of our Lord. Each morning we arise we should thank Him for His new mercies that He extends to us, and we need to be merciful to others just as He so freely extends it to us. It is so easy at times to fall short of patience and mercy with those around us especially those we are closest to. After all, there is always the tempting thought that they love us so much that they will just put up with us no matter what. Let us desire to be reminded to be merciful to everyone around us.
Matthew 5:7 (ERV)
“Great blessings belong to those who show mercy to others.
Mercy will be given to them.”
In those times in which someone is behaving in a fashion that is unkind, rude or hurtful it would be good to stop and remind our self that we do not know what they are going through. I can remember many years ago standing in a line waiting to place my order in a fast food restaurant. The young lady taking the orders was being extremely harsh and rude with each of the customers before me. When she went to take my order I asked softly, “How are you today?” She looked at me and sighed deeply, and shared that a friend of hers just committed suicide. It was a moment in which I was taken back but I just looked into her eyes and expressed how sad that suicide is. I spoke words of comfort and I left her saying “I will be praying for you.” She thanked me. Never underestimate the power of calmly listening and expressing to someone that you will pray.
I was so glad that I overlooked her behavior , and l extended to her understanding and comfort. We need to be careful that we are not missing God opportunities to speak His life into hopeless situations. Let us be on the look out for opportunities for people to see Jesus in us. God’s Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that “love believes the best…” Sometimes in this life it is not so easy to believe the best of people but Paul’s writings show us the importance of doing so. As we do this we are choosing to be merciful and walk in our Lord’s love. May His precious Holy Spirit remind us today to seek ways to be merciful and walk in His love in a deeper way. Remember…great blessings belong to those that extend His mercy!