” Lord, in the morning you hear my voice.
In the morning I lay it all out before you.
Then I wait expectantly.”
I thank God that His mercies are new every morning and we can wake with the expectancy of a new day with fresh opportunities to serve our living God. Today let us look to Him as we lay our day out before Him, and with hearts of expectancy, let us give Him praise! Let us look to Him with faith to do His will.
Every day [with its new reasons] will I bless You
[affectionately and gratefully praise You];
yes, I will praise Your name forever and ever.
I love this scripture especially the words that imply that each new day gives us new reasons to bless Him. I want to challenge you today to think about something the Lord has done special for you over the past few days. Maybe He has blessed you with an answer to a prayer, or He gave you strength when you thought you could not go on any longer. I love pondering how He has faithfully answered me so many times with His sweet wisdom and how it is always so timely. Really my friends, there is always something to praise the Lord for. Just the fact that our day is new…a fresh slate for Him to write upon…how awesome is that? God is so good, may we bless Him with our praise from the depths of our hearts.
Lift your eyes toward heaven and lay your heart open to Him and wait expectantly for Him to guide you throughout your day. All of us have reasons to bless His Name and be thankful. Take time to call out the blessings that you possess because of the goodness of God that flows toward you. Today, with it’s new beginning and new reasons, choose to praise and bless His Name for all the good things you embrace because of His goodness in your life!