Devotional for Friday, October 13, 2017
“Choose His Teachings”

by Dona Hake
Today we will look at the importance of choices in a scripture from Proverbs 8. Within this scripture the writer exclaims that we are to choose God’s teachings, His instruction, and His discipline. He states that the value of these things are more precious than silver, and His knowledge is greater than fine gold. Think about it…whatever you could ever desire can never be compared to His precious gifts.
Choices are a part of our life each and every day. We can choose to walk in His way or walk in our own way. We can choose to receive His discipline through His Word or we can choose to reject His Word. We may choose to walk in love as 1 Corinthians 13 instructs us to do or we can choose to become angry or impatient. The choices we make will affect how we live and sadly our wrong choices may bear consequences that are unpleasant. Oh that we remain humble and quiet before Him choosing His ways over ours. Today we ponder that choosing His ways, His teachings and His wisdom are more precious than a fine beautiful stone.
Proverbs 8:10-11 Expanded Bible
“Choose [Take] my ·teachings [instructions; discipline] instead of silver,
and knowledge rather than ·the finest [choice] gold.
Wisdom is more precious than ·rubies [or pearls].
Nothing ·you could want is equal to [is more delightful than] it.”
There are many things in this life that are able to tempt us to lust. Let us be discerning and guarding of our hearts and eyes for the devil seeks to devour us in this matter. May we continue to be grateful for every blessing that we have, and may we remember that it is only the eternal things that have the greatest of value. Let us value His Word above anything this world has to offer. Let us purpose to choose His teachings and receive the discipline that His Word brings to us.
We can read scriptures and daily partake of His wonderful mercies yet fail to continue to keep a grateful heart that He has brought us out of darkness into the light of His kingdom. Let the Word of our Lord never become mere cliches to us, and may we never grow tired of hearing certain truths over and over again. God’s Word is fresh, alive, and it is exactly what our spirits needs. It is His Word that is the light that caused our blinded eyes to be open. For this we need to be thankful and grateful to the Living God! Today I encourage you to guard your heart that you are diligently making choices that are blessing your Heavenly Father.