Devotional for Thursday, December 14, 2017
“Let His Word Dwell In You Richly”

by Dona Hake
Today I am continuing with the portion of scripture from Colossians chapter 3. The Amplified translation for verse 16 says
“… Let the spoken word of Christ have its home within you dwelling in your heart and mind – permeating every aspect of your being… “
The Voice translation says it like this…
“Let the word of the anointed one richly in habit your lives.”
…and the Message Translation…
“Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house.”
Colossians 3:15
Colossians 3:15
I love searching the Scriptures and seeing how different translations bring the Word to our hearts, therefore giving us deeper understanding.
Today I would like to encourage your heart to let the spoken Word of our Lord have it’s home in you…”the run of the house.” Let it live richly that it would enrich your life. This IS the abundant life our Lord spoke of! As we look at the Word of God having its home in us let us see it permeating every aspect of our being.
When I ponder this I think about a fragrance that is coming from something that is being cooked or baked in a home. Oh that sweet aroma of cookies or a pie that is baking. It smells so delicious, and the longer it bakes the more the fragrance travels to every part of the house, and the smell is in every corner of every room. May God‘s Word dwell in us richly and permeate every part of our being spirit, soul, and mind in Jesus name! Oh that we would bring the fragrance of Christ to a lost and dying world as we abide in Him and His Word abides in us.