Devotional for Tuesday, January 16, 2018
“Let Us Be Real”

by Dona Hake
1 John 3:18-19 (ERV)
“My children, our love should not be only words and talk.
No, our love must be real.
We must show our love by the things we do.
That’s how we know we belong to the way of truth.”
Yesterday I shared about keeping the words that we speak. A faithful man or woman will see to it that they follow through with their promises no matter how big or small. I want to cause you to ponder the words ~our love must be real~. What does it mean to be real with our love toward people as we walk with Jesus. God’s love is always real, it is genuine, not counterfeit or artificial. His love is pure…ALWAYS. I challenge your heart today to walk in the love of your God, His real love. This challenge calls you away from trying to love people, and walk in love in your own ability.
As I experienced seeing God’s real love in action it changed my thinking as a young believer. My heart was broken of stubbornness when I accepted Him yet I struggled as I observed many Christians walking in hypocrisy. I know I had friends praying diligently for me, therefore the Lord brought special laborers to step into my crooked path to help me. He brought a special Christian couple into my life for me to observe, and see how they served the Lord. They lived in truth and they kept their word. If they said they would pray… they meant it. If they said they would be there for me…they were there. Their real love that only came from drawing on God’s love began to touch my heart and draw me closer to Him.
It is important that we know we are being honest with God, honest with ourselves, and therefore we will be in a position to show God’s real love. As we grow in His love we will walk away from selfishness, the very thing that inhibits us from giving our all for Him. God’s love positions us to be totally real and honest with those around us. The more we come to know God, His love and His ways, we will walk as the Lord walked. This world is looking for those that are walking in the God kind of love. My friend, there are many in this dark world that are truly searching for real love. Let us position ourselves on that hill, and be that light that cannot be hidden. Let us not hide our light under the bushel of our fears and apprehensions. God desires that we not just talk the talk, but rather walk the talk.