Devotional for Friday, January 19, 2018
“Before You Speak…”

by Dona Hake
As I was meditating upon this sound wisdom of what I should do before I speak the words “bottled up” came to my spirit. You know…those times that you to repress, try to control, or restrain something within you. These are usually things that are bugging us, and we are not dealing with them rightly.
Let us meditate upon what rich wisdom this is to think first before we speak unspoken thoughts. Sadly, there are times that we permit thoughts within our minds to remain, and remain unchallenged. It is then that these thoughts that are “bottled up” within us will cause us problems. If not dealt with according to our Lord’s instruction we will end up hurting or offending someone with our words. Let us think about what Jesus said about it…
“…For out of the fullness (the overflow,
the superabundance) of the heart
the mouth speaks. “
Matthew 12:34(Amplified Classic Edition)
Whether they are good thoughts or bad thoughts, the more they are accumulated within us, they will grow in strength. Let this be our prayer today that we may keep check over our unspoken thoughts and spoken words that they would be pleasing before our Lord…
“May my spoken words and unspoken
thoughts be pleasing even to you,
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14