Devotional for Tuesday, February 6, 2018
“Sometimes It’s the Little Things”

by Dona Hake
Just recently I was walking down a grocery aisle, and I saw this sweet older woman, and she was looking up at the highest shelf desiring some toilet paper. She looked at me and said, “I am a bit vertically challenged, can you please reach up and get that toilet paper for me?” As we giggled together, I told her how I used to hate being so tall but sometimes it does come in handy for the moment! As I handed her what she wanted, she was so thankful. I said, “Bless you sweetie! Have a great day!” You would of thought I handed her a handful of one hundred dollar bills! A small act of helpful kindness, and a few words made that woman glow with the sweetest smile.
I walked away thinking how you just never know what people around us may have going on in their life. You know people learn how to wear a smile yet they are crying big tears, and their hearts are hurting. There are people out there that are lonely, needy, and maybe facing the biggest battle of their life. God knows, and He wants to fill their void with life giving acts and words…He wants to use us !! I encourage you to look for opportunities to be used to bless someone in your path today.
Sometimes it really is the little things that may count to be something really big in another’s life. It is also true that sometimes the things we are called upon to do may even be inconvenient, yet if God is asking us to do it, we need to be obedient no matter how small of a thing it may seem to us. May we obediently show the love of Jesus no matter how small the deed may seem to us.
“Never get tired of doing little things for others.
Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest
parts of their hearts.”
Author unknown