by Dona Hake
I headed to my front garden to take a shot of the smallest Hydrangeas that I have ever seen. My Son and Daughter-in-law blessed me with this for Mother’s Day this year. In the past I have not had great success in my gardens with this particular bush, so I was not sure where to plant it. About six weeks ago I decided where to put it. Diligently I watered it but my Ivy is wanting to grow close to it. It was surrounding it so much, it actually was overshadowing something that almost went unnoticed. Underneath one of the large leaves of this little bush was the tiniest of Hydrangea blooms that I have ever seen. I broke that leaf away so the bloom would receive more light. In contrast to the size of the leaf you can see how small it is. I could not help but think of the quote “Bloom where you are planted!”
I can remember hearing this quote almost eighteen years ago from a special man named Arthur Burt. Today, I dedicate this devotional to him. His life was amazing and God used him in wonderful ways while he lived here on earth. Last week at age 102, he went to breathe the air of Heaven and spend eternity with the one he loved the most, and that was Jesus! Arthur had the most thought provoking quotes and wonderful stories. Oh my…he was the best story teller ever!
I can remember when he shared this quote. I just loved how these words spoke to my heart and challenged me. I knew I was planted and doing that which God wanted me to be doing but this quote always provoked me to keep check on whether I was blooming where He planted me. The reason I loved this tiny little bloom of my Hydrangea is because it reminds me that sometimes we may be in bloom in different ways and not to compare what we are doing with the successes of others. This little bloom is only about two inches above the soil…just an amazing little sight!
Today I encourage you to know that you are planted where God wants you to be, and then diligently do all that you know to do. Keep yourself full of Him that you can truly thrive and be a blessing a blessing to God and to those around you. Do not be surprised at the opportunities, places, and timing for you to flourish and bloom. Today, bloom where you are planted!