by Dona Hake
“We are just clay, and You are the potter.
We are the product of Your creative action, shaped and formed …”
Isaiah 68:8 (the Voice)
We are the clay and He is the Potter. Let us remain pliable that He is able to work and form us. As we do this we will be able to reflect His glory and do His will in our lives. One of the very first things a potter will do with that clump of clay is center it perfectly on the potter’s wheel. For us to be worked and formed for His purposes we could look at it this way…
Stay centered on His “wheel”
and you will be in the
center of His will.
and you will be in the
center of His will.
Oh that we would permit His loving hands to place us where He wants us to be. When He begins to shape us and works us, let us submit to His way of doing it. As I pondered this devotional my heart began to think about some things that will position us that He can continue to mold us. I already stated the first and that is to stay centered or focused on Him. The other things would be
*stay humble before God.
*stay humble before others.
*see yourself humbly for this will guard you from
self deception, which is the worst of all deceptions.
Lord, we desire that your loving hands mold and make us into the man or woman of God You desire us to be. As we permit you to work in our lives, we know that we will be pleasing in Your sight. Thank you for helping us to do Your will and purposes, and guide our decisions and walk as we pursue to stay in the center of Your will.