“I Can Because He Said I Can”

 gods strength in you

by Dona Hake


Philippians 4:13 (AMP)
“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me

[I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him

Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].”


Today let us meditate on God being the God that can strengthen us to do anything that is in accordance to His Will. Again, as I shared yesterday, we must believe that He is well able to do what He says He can do.


Here is an interesting quote that goes along with what I am sharing:


“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Henry Ford


It is important that we do believe all that God says about us because if we do not, there is not way that we are going to see it our God given desires come to pass. There is nothing I hate more than hearing someone say in definite terms…”I can’t do this!” What really upsets me is when I know that the person declaring this has people in his or her life to help make it happen. How much more should we never say, “I can’t!” when we have the God of heaven and earth declaring His help to us. Oh that we would fully place our trust in Him for His help in all that we ever try to do.


Today I encourage you to allow Him to infuse you with great strength, and look to Him for all that you ever need to do the task before you!



“Living To Believe Him”



by faith we believe

by Dona Hake

The present and the future could cause one to worry and fear but the God we serve desires that we just believe. “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want…” Psalm 23:1 There is probably none of us that have not heard this, and I would venture to say that it is one of the most favorite Psalms of many. While He promises tender loving care and provision, we still need to believe that He is willing and able to do what He says.

I have returned to reading from one of my favorite authors. Francois deFenelon. I love the depth of revelation that He shares. He challenges my heart as well.


“Faith discerns God behind all the circumstances that try to hide Him.
Faith also holds you in a state of uncertainty.”

Many times we can find our hearts in unbelief simply because our eyes are too focused on our circumstances. The more we look at our circumstance the more real and powerful that circumstance seems. Behind the circumstance God is seeing an opportunity for His hand to graciously move in our lives. Also, our human nature will also hate to be in a place of uncertainty. We want to get through the trial and get it over with. Many times even in the midst of a trial, God is looking to work a new thing in your heart by His love and tender instruction.

The God that asks us to live by faith is so ready to perform that which He said He would do, all we need to do is believe!

“The Blessing of the Content Heart”

godliness with contentment is great gain

by Dona Hake


I can remember as a little girl when my Grandmother would take my sister and I to the York Fair. What a treasured memory I have of her. I can remember how she would put us on the Merry-go-round and stand and watch us. Each time we would pass her, we would wave and there would be joy all over her face as she would wave back at us. There was one thing though that I could remember , and that was the faster the Merry-go-round went I could no longer seem to find her in the crowd of so many faces watching. I was always glad when it finally slowed up and even though it was fun, I was glad to get off.

Sometimes I think life can be like a Merry-go-round. Sometimes things just get going so fast that we forget to slow down and get our bearings and footing back. God desires for us to enjoy our lives and the many blessings yet He does not want us to get so caught up in them that we forget to look for Him. Let us not make ourselves so busy that things swirl so fast that we can no longer find Him in the midst of the whirlwind that we have created. We have so many things to be thankful for and many are the materialistic blessings we enjoy yet He does not want them to hold our attention to the point that our focus is off of Him. We have all heard it said that there are things we have in this world that we love but we cannot take them with us when we die.


1 Timothy 6:6-7  (VOICE)
“…because godliness, along with contentment, does put us ahead but not in the ways some imagine. 7You see we came into this world with nothing, and nothing is going with us on the way out!”


Today I encourage you to desire a heart that is contented with Him.  He is all that we need as take this journey here in life.  Let us learn how to live our lives enjoying the blessings but not loving the blessings more than Him.





“Angels Watching Over Us”


by Dona Hake


The Lord desires that we believe Him for His angels to watch over and protect us.  I am thinking we will never know how many times our angels spared us from disaster and we did not even have a clue.  I think it would be a good idea for us to be ever so diligent to praise Him and thank Him each day for His angels that take care of us and our loved ones.


Yesterday while driving through a heavy construction area I was spared being in an accident. Had I not looked into my rear view mirror I would not have realized what I was spared from. I did not notice that there was a man literally on the tail of my car. I was driving around a bend in the road and was unable to see that there was a line of traffic sitting still. As I slowed down to stop, the traffic in front of me was slowly beginning to move. I was able to stop and then slowly move with the traffic, but because the man behind me was too close, he almost hit me. I just happened to look into my mirror and saw this gentlemen completely go off the road to avoid hitting me. The car behind him had to also steer off abruptly to avoid hitting him. Behind that car was a Mack truck, and I could see that the driver of the truck was fully aware of what was going on. Thank God he was able to stop in a safe manner. Do you get the picture of the almost accident that could have occurred?


As I continued on the road I had to laugh to myself because the gentleman that almost hit me stayed about ten car lengths behind me the rest of the way on this road.  Yes, I was thanking God, but had I not glanced into my rear view mirror in that split second, I would not even had known what I was spared from.   I was thanking the Lord that He had my back in what could have been a bad accident.


Today I encourage you to think about the times that you know His angels were there to protect you.  Also, thank Him for all the times you may have been protected from something bad, and you did not even realize it.  God is so good and He is ever so faithful to take care of us!


Psalm 91:11 (EXB)
” He has put his angels in charge of [commanded his angels/messengers concerning] you
to watch over [keep; guard] you wherever you go [ all your ways].



“Longing For All of God’s Truth”

truth you long to entrone in my heart

by Dona Hake


“But still, You long to enthrone truth throughout my being;

in unseen places deep within me, You show me wisdom.”

Psalm 51:6 (The Voice)


I can remember many years ago reading a book by Watchman Nee, and I will never forget a statement he made. He shared that there are virgin caverns within your soul that God has not yet touched with His light. He was likening the caverns of our soul as veins in which God’s light and life are flowing. The virgin caverns are those that have not yet been discovered by the light of His truth.


These words could serve us with some real enlightenment regarding the truth that is within us. Every time I think about this statement it reminds me that there is truth that I still need deeper understanding of and there is truth that God has not yet touched my soul with yet. Lord, help me to remain humble that I may receive ALL that you desire for me to know regarding your truth!


God desires that we cry out for the wisdom and truth that the unseen places of our soul have not yet experienced.  He desires that the truth we know of to have a place in our heart that is protected and honored.    In Psalms 51:6 the psalmist is saying,


“But still, You long to enthrone truth throughout my being…”   


Let us be reminded that the truth that we know should be guarded and NOT compromised by what we feel or do not feel like doing.  Truth must reign above our feelings, emotions, and it is not moved by what is going on around us.    Let us ask Him today for His wisdom on how to keep the truth we have embraced enthroned within us.




“He’s Given Us All We Need”

god gave us a spirit of power

by Dona Hake


Have you ever prepared to travel and you want to make sure that you are packing everything  you need.  Before a trip I have so many “to do” lists and “things I need to pack” lists as well.  I want to flow as efficiently as possible in my time away from home.  I am the kind of person that likes to be ready for anything so I probably over pack because of that.  Needless to say, it is good to feel that you are properly equipped for your time away from home.


As we spend time on this earth serving the Lord we  are on a journey.   We must be assured that we are equipped for all that He has for us to do.  It is wonderful to know that He has equipped us with everything we need.    I love the image I shared today because it ministered to my heart relative to God giving me all that I need.  First of all, His Word will keep me full of the knowledge of His will.  Any door that I need to walk through whether difficult or not, He has the exact key and He also provides me with His perfect timing and I need to keep my eyes on His watch not my own.  It is when we get our eyes off of all that He has provided that our hearts can be tempted to fear.  


2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP)
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and

cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love

and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”


Let us be reminded today to stay focused on all that He has given us through His love for this very special journey on earth.  We can live this life with spirits full of power, love, and calm well balance minds!  It is Him that can help us to remain disciplined and self controlled for the God given work He has for us.



“Seek Wisdom and You Will Find It”

wisdom look for me

by Dona Hake


My granddaughter loves to play hide and seek with me in our backyard.  There are so many places for her to hide in what she once referred to as “the forest.”  There are lots of big trees for a little one to hide in.   There were a few times that she found some pretty clever spots and I was unable to find her.    I will say loudly enough so Rissa can hear me, “Oh my Aasha, I cannot find Rissa, can you help me find her? Since my German Shepherd is always by my side . she too enjoys being a part of our fun together.    So  she will look, sniff and take off and find her in no time at all.    


Sometimes in life we need answers and we need help finding them.   We know the answer is right there under our fingertips yet we just need some direction to it.  Sometimes it seems that some answers take a little more digging and seeking for but the Lord our Shepherd will lead us and guide us into all truth.   


The Lord has hidden wonderful things in His Word for us, and He desires that we diligently seek out that which we need.


Proverbs 8:17-18  ERV)

I love those who love me,
and those who look for me will find me.
With me there are riches and honor.
I have lasting wealth to give to you.”


Today I encourage you to look for His wisdom in the small things as well as the big.   He loves when you seek out what He has for you.


Proverbs 8:11
“Wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing you desire compares with her.”



Proverbs 3:18
“Wisdom is like a life-giving tree to those who hold on to her; she is a blessing to those who keep her close.”





“Nothing Is Too Hard For Him”

wisdom nothing too hard for Him

by Dona Hake


Oh the beauty of our Lord’s wisdom that He has for us!  It causes us to use knowledge rightly and direct every path that we walk on or pursue.  It keeps us from moving forward when it is time to stand still yet it prompts us to step out when the time is right.  God’s wisdom is amazing.

Proverbs 3:19 (TLB) 
“The Lord’s wisdom founded the earth;

his understanding established all the universe and space.”


Isn’t it awesome to ponder that the God in heaven desires to give you wisdom when you need it?  If He was able to establish all that we see on this beautiful earth, surely He can make our feet firm and our direction sure!  Why would we go anywhere but God for the wisdom we must have in our time of need?   Surely the wisdom you need is there for you as you ask Him for it.

Jeremiah 32:17 NIV
“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens

and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.

Nothing is too hard for you.”






“Wisdom- Our Guiding Light”

wisdom our guiding light copy



There will be those times in which we feel like we do not know the next step to take. Things may seem dark or cloudy but the Lord promises that He will grant us the wisdom that we need for anything and all we have to do is ask. Let us never deceive ourselves to think that we know it all and we do not need His help.


One could also be deceived to think that as long as they have money that they do not need His help. Money is not wrong to have for we need it to exist, it is when one looks to it as a source rather than God. Money will never purchase God’s wisdom for it’s value is higher than any fine stone on this earth. There are some things that money simply cannot buy. It is as we couple His wisdom with the knowledge we have that our lives will be guarded and directed by Him.


Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NIRV)

“Wisdom provides safety,
just as money provides safety.
But here’s the advantage of wisdom.
It guards the lives of those who have it.”


God’s wisdom surpasses the safety that money can provide. It will guard and keep your life that you may serve Him because this wisdom from above will cause you to see clearly every step you are to take. Today I encourage you to be thankful for all things He has blessed you with to exist, but always look to Him as your source for the life giving wisdom you need.




























“Touching Others With the Same Comfort You Received”

comforting words

by Dona Hake


Have you ever felt to be in a hopeless situation and there seemed to be no turn around for the problem you were walking through?  Have you ever had someone speak a word of comfort to you in the midst of a hopeless situation, and all of the sudden a spark of hope ignited in your heart.  It is the most wonderful thing ever!  There is great power in words of comfort and we should never underestimate the power of a few words spoken that could potentially give someone fresh hope and strength.


I cannot tell you how many people have shared with me how they struggle with inadequacy with words especially when someone has lost a loved one.  I have always shared to just be there for the person and the Lord will put the words on your heart to speak.  Let us desire to be used as vessels of comfort in times of such need.


2 Corinthians 1:3-5   (TLB)
“What a wonderful God we have—he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.  You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more he will shower us with his comfort and encouragement.


I encourage you today to think upon the times in which the Lord so graciously permeated your heart with comfort.   Let us be ever so thankful that we can draw upon Him for comfort and strength, and when opportunity arises in which you see someone hurting and your heart is touched…allow Him to touch that person through you.

