by Dona Hake
I was standing in a fast food restaurant waiting in line to place my order. The young lady taking orders from several people before showed no kindness or courtesy to the customers. I watched as she rudely took their orders and was just moving them through as quickly as possible. To be quite honest I was getting a bit upset with her just watching how she was handling herself. I wondered what this person in charge of this restaurant ever saw in her to hire her in the first place. I want to stop right now and tell you that I WAS NOT believing the best of this young lady, and my attitude was absolutely wrong.
God began to challenge my heart and my wrong thinking. You see, I was judging this young lady by outward appearances. Many times in situations like this I have heard people say “If an employee comes to work dealing with personal issues, they need to leave their problems at home while they are at work.” I feel this is wrong thinking, for there are times in life that certain problems can not be left at home because one’s heart and soul are consumed with pain and hurt.
As I stepped up for her to wait on me I felt to ask her “How are you today?” even though it was plain to see that she was not doing well. She proceeded to tell me she was not doing well and I expressed that I had noticed something must be wrong. I began to encourage her by saying “I hope the rest of your day is better.” She then opened wide up to me and shared that she just found out one of her friends had committed suicide. Can I tell you that I am ALWAYS reminded of this incident whenever I am tempted to think someone is wrong in the way an individual may be handling themselves. I spoke words of comfort to her, and I told her I would keep her in my prayers. She thanked me for talking to her, and to this day I am ever so grateful that I had that experience for it challenged my wrong thinking, and I learned from it.
God’s love will always stop us in our tracks and help us to consider what another individual may be walking through. Maybe what they are walking through may not seem to be a big deal to you but to them, it is their world and they are consumed with the problem. Today I encourage you to believe the best of those around you. Ask God to help you be a help to someone. That one kind word you speak in response to behavior which seems unacceptable may give one hope to go on. That kind response you give may cause them to step back and regain momentum, and make a right decision in the midst of their confusion. You just never know how powerfully God may use you as you dare to believe the best in others.
God help us to see people through the eyes of your love and not our own expectations.
1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP)
“Love bears up under anything and everything that comes,
is ever ready to believe the best of every person.”