by Dona Hake
I find my heart troubled when I observe how our lives seem to be way too busy at times. I especially see it in the summer time. It seems like people have to be running here and there, and quite honestly we need to be careful that our main focus does not become the pleasures of this life, especially in the season of Summer. The Lord has blessed us with so much to enjoy, and he desires we relax and take breaks, yet let us beware that our love for relaxation and fun does not come before our love for taking time with Him and serving Him with our whole heart.
I can remember awakening to a day full of things that had to be done, and I was feeling extremely overwhelmed. There were things that needed accomplished that seemed no way possible within my means of time and ability. I stood in the front yard with my dog, and looked up and was praying about my day. I felt a “whisper” from within that seemed to quiet me, and bring fresh perspective to my day. Those sweet words were, ”Sometimes it’s not as big as it looks.” You know, those sweet words the Lord whispered to me have quieted my heart, and the anxious thoughts of my mind was eagerly dismissed. I continue to learn and grow in this area. One of my very favorite word signs in my home says one word, but that one word has calmed me so many times and brought fresh perspective to my heart. That word is…
Many times our lives become complicated and cluttered simply by our own lack of seeking Him before we make our plans for our day. I encourage you to sit each morning and look up, and expect to hear His sweet voice to wisely lead and guide you in your day! …and remember…keep things simple!
“Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.” Ralph Waldo Emerson