Devotional for Wednesday, February 21, 2018
“Live In Such a Way…”

by Dona Hake
This morning, Reverend Billy Graham, a precious man of God left this earth. I can only imagine what it must’ve been like when he stood before the Lord Jesus. I can envision the multitudes of people that are in heaven, and going to heaven because of his passionate and devoted life that he lived as he preached the gospel message. He kept the Word simple, and his words were able to pierce the hardest of hearts .
As I watched the news this morning my heart was touched as I heard different people sharing their memories of Billy Graham. So many mentioned that they just knew the first words he heard as he stepped into glory and stood before the Lord were, “Well done good and faithful servant.“ One gentleman exclaimed how he encountered Rev. Graham once, and all he could say was that he felt he was standing in the presence and power of God. One person in particular made a comment about him and I can’t stop thinking about that comment. He said, Billy walked in such conviction,faith, and example of godliness. He lived in such a way that made people want to believe.“ I do not know about you but these words really challenged my heart. Let us look at the scripture in 1 John 2:6 (AMPC version)
“Whoever says he abides in Him ought
[as a personal debt] to walk and conduct
himself in the same way in which He walked
and conducted Himself.”
Today Billy Graham‘s work is completed on this earth yet his life‘s work and preaching will continue to speak to hearts all over the world for generations to come. Let us thank God for this man’s life, and rejoice with him that he is free as he stands in the presence of the Lord Jesus, and the saints that have gone before us. Today let us look at his life and works and be challenged in our hearts to live in such a way that it will make people want to believe.
Acts 17:28
“…for in him we live and move and have our being…”