“I have set the Lord always before me:
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Many times in life we all will need direction. The direction we seek should always be from our Lord, His Word, or those that are speaking by the direction of the Holy Spirit. As we keep the Lord before us He has promised to get us there safely. He promises to show us His wisdom. Again, that direction may come from His Word or a wise person He has placed in your life. There are so many ways He comes along side of us when we do not know how to get to where we need to be. Remember….He sees the light at the end of the tunnel when we are disoriented by fears and anxieties.
As we stay aware of His presence in this journey we can trust Him, He is well able to get us there safely. Trusting Him in the journey is so vitally important because He may just take us a different direction than what we expected. I believe those are the times that we get an even greater revelation of “All things work together for the good to Him that loves God.” May we keep our Lord always before us, and WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED.
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