Devotional for Monday, March 19, 2018
“Your Strength, Our Weakness”

by Dona Hake
Many times we hand pick the small stones called hindrances that are scattered in our path. There are small things we just put up with, and then there are things we feel we cannot bear. There are so many things that factor into the equation to face trials and deal with them in this life. One thing for sure is that each of us need to be seeking the Lord at all times, and hearing His specific Word to our hearts in order that we can deal with our hardship according to His Will. Some hardships seem to never end, but know this our Lord is with us no matter what.
Paul spoke of being content in having much and also in the midst of great need. He also wrote how to count it all joy when we face trials. Isaiah wrote of the importance of waiting upon the Lord and He would bring a strength that we would mount up with the wings as eagles. Paul certainly learned the secret of walking through hardships, and we can read that in 2 Corinthians 12:10.
“For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities;
for when I am weak then I am strong.”
I believe we can learn from the scripture that no matter what we walk through, we can draw on God’s grace and continue to move forward and upward in the good fight. I leave you with this short poem written by Corrie ten Boom. Corey learned and was able to trust and serve God even in a Nazi concentration camp and throughout the days that followed in her life. Her wisdom is priceless…
“Your strength, my weakness – here they always meet,
When I lay down my burden at your feet:
The things that seem to crush will in the end
Be seen as rungs on which I did ascend!
When I lay down my burden at your feet:
The things that seem to crush will in the end
Be seen as rungs on which I did ascend!
Thank you Lord.”