Devotional for Wednesday, June 13, 2018
“The Sneaky Little Foxes”

by Dona Hake
“Catch the foxes for us, those little foxes that menace the vineyards, For our vineyards are so vulnerable when they are in full bloom.”
Song of Solomon 2:15 – The Voice
Song of Solomon 2:15 – The Voice
It is a little foxes that spoil the vines especially when they are in full bloom. They are harder to see…they sneak in and steal, and get away without being seen. Oh how the subtlety of pride can sneak into our hearts and minds. I see subtle things as being little foxes. Maybe it could be that when we are in “full bloom” we are less attentive to the little things. Let’s look at a few little foxes…I think of two especially, and they are our exalted opinions of ourselves and critical hearts towards others which can be a fertile ground for the sin of pride. Oh there are many little foxes out there and we must beware!
The watchful, prayerful, and diligent heart will be quick to discern those little foxes that the devil is sending after the life of God that is in full bloom within us. May a determination rise up within our hearts that we will stand against pride, and that humility would have its place in our heart that we may honor our Lord.
“Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert
and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours,
the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion
[fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.”
1 Peter 5:8 -Amplified
1 Peter 5:8 -Amplified