“God Will Make You Able”

all things
by Dona Hake
Corrie ten Boom profoundly put it this way…



“It is not my ability, but my response to God’s ability, that counts.”

Many times  we are faced with things that God has asked us to do and  we can discourage ourselves because we tend to try to accomplish them our own ability.  We feel deep down we are to do something yet there may be times in which we lack the confidence we need because we are so focused on our inability or where we are lacking.


Philippians 4:13 (AMP)“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].”


Today I encourage you to look up and draw from Him.   Draw upon heavenly possibilities and God making you able through Him.  If you are dealing with something that seems too big for you, set aside your thoughts and plans.  Ask Him to infuse you with His strength and His thoughts on the matter.    The Lord loves when we do things with our whole heart and soul yet we need to keep check that we are NOT drawing upon our own wisdom or how others say it is to be done.   Remember, it is not your ability but responding to His ability!

“Each Day Is a Fresh Canvas”

by Dona Hake
Our yesterdays may have some wonderful and sweet memories. I know I have precious memories in my life yet there are some yesterdays that I would not want to walk through again. When certain yesterdays are with painful moments , hurt, and mistakes… only the Lord can heal our hearts and minds.


Many times our issue lies within our own hearts. We cannot go forward until we ask God to forgive others of hurts done to us. Yet, there are those times that you may have messed up and you have ask God to forgive you but you seem unable to forgive yourself. This is what Paul said about his weakness.

Philippians 3:13 (ERV)
“…I know that I still have a long way to go. But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me.”

It is always important that you have goals before you. If you have nothing to keep moving towards, you will surely become stagnant and be tempted to live in the past.  Really, this is what the devil wants.  It is in this stagnant place that he knows you are no threat to him.

Look to God today to face your days ahead.     If you have messed up, know that there is nothing too big for God for with Him there is nothing impossible.  The God of heaven and earth desires to bring forgiveness to you and He can enable you to forgive yourself. He will be faithful to come along side of you and help you. The God of all love, peace and comfort is so good.

“Under the Shadow of His Wings”

Shadow of Your Wings
by Dona Hake
 I was on my way to my son’s home and my granddaughters were in the back seat singing along to a fun music CD I have. Traffic was heavier than usual but it seemed to be moving along relatively well. With absolutely no warning an oncoming vehicle decided to do a u-turn in the steady stream of traffic that I was in, and he cut right in front of me. He ended up not being able to manage the turn and he hit the curb. He was literally sideways in the traffic blocking both lanes. I was heading straight for him and I slammed on my break to avoid broadsiding him. There was no warning to the car behind me and this gentleman almost crashed into me because of the abrupt stop that I had to make. All I can remember seeing as I looked in my rear view mirror was a car swerving left to right and I could hear his brakes squealing loudly. It was like everything went into slow motion, and I have got to be honest, I thought most certain there was going to be impact with our vehicles…but it was not. My oldest granddaughter inquired immediately ask what was going on especially when she heard me lay on the horn. I said, “Marissa, the Lord just protected us from a very bad accident.”

This incident served to remind me to be ever so mindful of trusting the Lord for His protection no matter what or where you are going. Things can simply happen so fast that you have not even a second to do anything. As we drove away from what could have been a bad accident I exclaimed, “Oh thank you Jesus for protecting us!”


Even though we were safe, I was extremely shaken up. Can I be honest with you? When the reality of the thing that almost happened hit me my thoughts went to a bad place. As I continued to drive I began to dwell on “what if this would of happened?” thoughts. Those thoughts went on because I allowed them to and there was even a point I felt paranoid while driving home. I realized I had to get a grip on my mind and discipline my thoughts about the whole thing. From that moment on I purposed to be thankful for the protection as we were under the shadow of His wings.


Sometimes we just have to command our thoughts and fears to be still and look to the Lord for His peace, and remind ourselves of His angels that surrounds us. Oh how I am so grateful for His lovingkindness and His desire to intervene in my life in moments like this. God is good!!! Today I am praising Him for His loving and caring hand in my granddaughters and my life that day. 


“God Sees the Bigger Picture”

bigger picture
by Dona Hake
Today I am thinking about the loving hand of my Heavenly Father, and how He is the best planner of all! He knew me before I was even formed in the womb of my mother. He knows all the days of my life and He has a specific plan for me. He has a specific and special plan for you as well. The plan He has for us is a bigger picture than we can ever dream up. As we put our life into His hands, He will continue to mold and make us according to His purposes.
I can remember laying on my bed at night as a teenager, and even before I knew Him I would ask Him “Lord, There has to be more to this life than this, isn’t it??” I can remember praying that for close to two years before I ask Him into my heart. The day I became a Christian I began to comprehend the bondage that I lived in. It was like all these “lights” went on in my heart and mind, and it all became very clear. All the bad things that I thought I was destined to live with dropped off of me like heavy weights.
Psalm 138:8 (NLV)
The Lord will finish the work He started for me. O Lord, Your loving-kindness lasts forever.

God knew from the day I was born when I would start asking Him questions. He saw my life from start to finish and I rejoice in my heart that He knows all the days that are before me. God will always see the bigger picture! I am comforted to know that He will always be with me to grant me grace to live each day. He will hear my prayers and He promises to to help me. He is the faithful one that will complete the work He started in me, and all that concerneth me, He will perfect!

Ephesians 1:11 (TLB) 
” Moreover, because of what Christ has done, we have become gifts to God that he delights in, for as part of God’s sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his, and all things happen just as he decided long ago.”

“Satisfied In Dry Lands”

spring that never runs dry
by Dona Hake
Isaiah 58:11 (ERV)

“The Lord will always lead you and satisfy your needs in dry lands.

He will give strength to your bones.

You will be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring that never goes dry.”

As we draw upon the living water from above, let us be mindful to share that water that gives life with those around us. Let us be thankful that the water He gives is the only water that will quench the thirst of the human soul. I love how this scripture in Isaiah says that we will be “like a garden that has plenty of water, a spring that never goes dry.” No matter how much we draw upon it, those waters will continue to flow toward us to meet our every need! The only requirement is that we continue to seek Him and draw upon that river of life that proceeds from Him.

This type of abundance is not just for our survival alone but it is there for us to give. God desires to see us active in doing good for others from a heart of faith and love.I encourage you to think about the abundance in your life, and how He would have you be a blessing to those around you. Think about the many times He has rescued you from a problem that seemed unsolvable. Thank Him for those times that your anxiety tormented you and His peace permeated you beyond your understanding. We have so much to be thankful for and as we focus on those blessings, we will be in a position to refresh those around us. God bless you!

“The Blessing of Hope”

hopes blessing
by Dona Hake
I heard a precious woman share how she was told while she was pregnant that the baby had absolutely no chance of living. The doctor emphasized that there was a 100% chance that the baby would never be born. The devastation that this couple experienced must have been unreal. They began to share how their faith caused them to rise to a place of hope. Against hope they believed in hope! They pressed in and moved forward in the whole bleak situation and were able to get a doctor that would work with them and sure enough the baby was born. The doctor dared to do a particular procedure that sustained the baby and she was born. This little one has some obstacles to face but I am sure this couple’s faith will continue in this little one’s journey of being an overcomer.

I think the thing that really touched my heart is how awesome it was that God used someone like this doctor to step into their life at time when there looked like no hope was in the future for them. Many times it may look like no one believes that things will turn around but it only takes one to step up and take hold of your hope and stand with you. I have been there. I remember being told that I more than likely would lose my first son. I had lost so much blood and even though they saw the fetus with heartbeat, they refused to give me an ultrasound picture. They felt very sure that in the next week my baby would be miscarried. I thank God for those that stepped in and persevered in prayer with me. I thank God to this day for my son that is now thirty one years of age. Because of the faith and hope of many, I was able to take hold of hope that appeared very dim at one point.

Today, I encourage you to never underestimate the power of your prayers and words of encouragement in the life of someone that may be losing hope. God is faithful to take His words and cause faith and hope to spark where one is growing weak.

Romans 15:13 (AMP)
“May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”

“Keeping the Heart of a Child”

hearts speak
by Dona Hake
Eleven little preschoolers and they all seemed to arrive at church with an extra dose of energy and I am planning to bring them a teaching about being still before God.  It was almost funny to me standing in front of them because I love how God is faithful to help me grab and keep their attention frozen on me for a few minutes.  In that few minutes it is my heart to nail them with a truth that will help guide their little heart.
“Okay, everyone, look at me, look me straight in the eyes…at the count of three I want all of you to sing as loud as you can.  You sing what ever you want to sing.  If you don’t know a song then you just sing la la la!!!”   Their eyes were fixed on me as I did the count down and boy were they loud!  “Okay, now stop, everyone stop and be as quiet as you can!”   They immediately obeyed and were still.   It amazed me how this little moment of fun pulled them into total receptivity to receive a truth about being still that they can hear God and their hearts.
I proceeded to share with them that it would have been impossible for them to hear me say anything when they were singing loudly but when they got quiet they could hear me plain and clear.  I told them many times our heart is trying to speak and tell us the right thing to do, but our minds are so loud we cannot hear.   “Our minds are so busy thinking about what we are going to play, what we are going to say, where we are going to go.”  They totally connected and understood where I was going.
The visual I gave them was a stoplight.  I focused much on the red light.   As each child sat and listened I asked them,  “How many times have you felt your heart tell you to stop??  You know, times you are going to say or do something bad and your heart is trying to stop you.”     I have to say at that split second their little eyes were preciously fixed upon me.  They understood all too well that they all had experienced their hearts acting as “stop signs, and trying to keep them out of trouble.
Can I tell you how many times I have shared with the little children in my church and God is ministering to my heart as well in great doses?  I walked away from my own teaching being reminded that as I am faithful to study God’s Word , and  keep my heart quiet that I will sense the “stop signs” that the Lord is warning me with.  He will also be able to prompt me to go forward with His divine “green lights” as well.  Today, I am reminded to keep my heart toward Him and remain with a heart of child likeness.   Let us be still and know that He is God in every area of our life.

“I Listen For Your Loving Voice”

cause me to hear you
by Dona Hake
Have you ever spoken these words to yourself at the end of a day, “I just wish this day would never ever happened” or I wish I could just do this day all over again.”   Truth is we have all probably thought this and we all have had those days. But the real truth of the matter is that you cannot make a day happen all over again.
When we wake in the morning we need to consciously make an effort to remind ourselves that God’s mercies are new and fresh every morning! He awaits for you to seek His face and bring everything to Him that concerns your heart. There is not a one of us that were created to carry the burdens this life brings to us.

Psalm 143:8 The Voice (VOICE) Make me hear of Your faithful love in the
morning, for I trust in You. Teach me how I should walk, for I offer my soul up to

 As we greet our day let us ask Him to cause us to hear that which He desires to speak to us. He is faithful to show us the right paths. He is faithful to make the crooked places straight. It is as we lift our souls to Him that He will begin to speak to us that which we need to hear to meet the challenges of our day.
I once heard this quote and I love it.   “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” How true these few words are. We can use problems or difficulties that arise in our day as an opportunity to grow or we can allow them to bring us down.  We have so much power in the choices we make.  Let us choose each day to greet Him with a willingness to hear of His faithful love.  Permit Him to teach you today how you should walk and turn any difficulties into divine opportunities for Him!

“The Lord Will Provide”

provision of God
The Lord will provide!”  Let this fact never become just a cliche to us that we speak.  These words are loaded with the truth that we serve a God that is able to meet ANY need.   There is not a thing in our life that we may be lacking that is too hard for Him to take care of.
Psalm 23:1 (AMP)
” The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack.”
  He brings us His Daily Bread, and He promises to fill us up  to overflowing all that our spirit needs to be nourished, and this Bread  sustains us for our day.  We must never try to carry yesterday’s bread into the needs of another day.  Each day brings new demands and sometimes troubles, and it is important that you fill up and draw upon the spiritual nourishment He has for you each day.  He will provide you with spiritual food for the specific needs of each day.
He will also provide the guidance for each moment of your day.  Some days I meet my day with so many various demands, and I must remind myself to not be led by my demanding “to-do” lists but rather allow Him to order and lead my day.  He promises to provide guidance that my steps would be ordered by Him. He will provide guidance.
There may be days in which you can see the difficulties and strategies of the enemy are relentlessly wearing you down.  Remember to never be weary in well doing yet David reminds us in this Psalm that the Lord desires to be our loving shield.  He longs to keep our hearts and minds at peace even as the battle may be going on around us.  The Lord will provide a shield for you.
Let us meditate on the Lord as our wonderful and loving provider, and we surely will never lack any good thing.   What is it that you need in the present moment??  The Lord will provide!!

“The Power In Our Words”

power of words
by Dona Hake
There is power in our words.   We have the power through our words to build up and encourage.  We also have the power to discourage tear down, or destroy.   Our words can cause hurt and pain, yet we can also speak words that heal, and bring hope.
As I began to prepare this I saw three things relative to our words and  mountains.  Our words can encourage another’s heart so greatly that they feel like they are on a mountain top.  You have built up and encouraged their  heart simply because you have chosen words that have brought edification to their heart.   Our words can also move mountains in our life if we dare to fill our hearts with faith and believe for mountains to move.    There is also the very negative force that words can bring and that is to hinder the heart of someone because you have spoken from a heart of negativity.  Negative words can tear down  and create self doubt in someone.    Did you ever meet someone that is full of potential yet negative words from their past have frozen their steps from going forward into the purposes God has for them?  People go through life with negative “mountains” in their life because of negative words spoken over them. This is so sad, yet it should serve to remind us to keep our mouths shut when we are tempted to speak negative things to people.
Colossians 4:6 (AMP)
” Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as
it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to
answer anyone [who puts a question to you.”
Today I encourage you to think about the words that proceed from your mouth.  Are they building people up or could they be possibly creating a mountain that someday will be the battle of their heart and mind.  Think as well about the power of your words when your heart is filled with faith.  The mountains that may be hindering your life can be moved as you speak words of faith.

“”The truth is, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, mountain, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you.”  Mark 11:23  ERV

6 Responses to “Devotional”

  1. Lisa Viands says:

    This is a good way of teaching the kids to forgive each other(Matt. 5:7). I like the power of this gentle scripture and lesson… Thanks!!

  2. Selena Neely says:

    Ralph &I are really enjoying your devotional together.

  3. Selena Neely says:

    Oh, what a wonderful reminder! I want to break the magnifing glass of worry and trust God for each step I take.

  4. Dona Hake says:

    It is interesting Selena how the more we worry the bigger and more magnified things get in our minds. Oh how important it is to trust our God for the smallest of things! Thank you for sharing!