
Devotional for Sunday, June 12, 2016
“Stick To His Path and Be Safe”
his word our warning
by Dona Hake
I can remember when our youngest Granddaughter fell and broke her front tooth.   Oh the pain this poor thing was in.    She liked to run as fast as her little legs could take her but sometimes it would get her into trouble!    After that happened she began to heed the “slow down!!!” that I would yell at her when she would run on my sidewalk.    I was glad when she finally slowed up  and heeded to the voice of wisdom. A word of warning is only helpful to the degree it is heeded to.
Proverbs 4:26 (TLB)
“Watch your step. Stick to the path and be safe.”

Today, I want to share with you about those times that God calls out to us through His Word, His Spirit, or speaks through people in our lives. I know we can all relate to those times in which we feel we are being warned. We must always be careful to judge the warnings that come our way to make sure they are truly of Him, and not fear motivated. God’s Word clearly has accounts where men and women of God were admonished by the Lord.

Colossians 1:28 ( Amp.)
“Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One).”

Today I encourage your heart to respect the voice of the Lord as He speaks to you through His Word, the inward witness, and those God given people that have been placed in your life. May we all continue to grow deeper in the comprehensive insight in His ways and purposes.



Devotional for Saturday, June 11, 2016
“Let Our Praise Never Cease!”
Psalm 145 November 4
by Dona Hake

Psalm 145:1-3

“I will lift my praise above everything to You, my God and King! I will continually bless Your name forever and always. My praise will never cease— I will praise You every day; I will lift up Your name forever. The Eternal is great and deserves endless praise; His greatness knows no limit, recognizes no boundary. No one can measure or comprehend His magnificence.”



It is so easy to take things and people for granted. We must be purpose that we live with hearts that are full of thanks especially to our loving God and the loved ones and friends in our life.Today I am encouraging you to think about how wonderful and good the Lord has been to you. Day in and day out He faithfully meets us as we open our eyes each morning. He is always there for us throughout our day. Even when we fall and mess up, again He is faithful. As the psalmist writes in verse three, God is much greater than anyone can understand!
Have you ever tried to figure out the word “eternity.” I have pondered this word, and it never ceases to leave me speechless and in awe. This is just one of the many wondrous things about God that are far above and beyond our comprehension. Have you pondered how great His love is toward you today? Is it not the most wonderful thing to know that He loved you enough to send His Son to die for you? Have you stopped and thanked Him today for His forgiveness and paused to try to figure out the depth of His compassion that forgiveness brings to you? I marvel as I think about how He not only forgives us but He totally washes us clean and restores our souls.

Let us think about more of His divine attributes…His grace and mercy recognizes no boundaries and they are new each morning as we face new challenges. No, we will never be able to totally comprehend His greatness, but we can always continue to offer thanks and worship to Him for all that He is to us! Give thanks to the Lord for there is no measure of His magnificence!



Devotional for Friday, June 10, 2016
“Living By the Truth of the Living God”
living by truth
by Dona Hake
We live in a day and age in which standing and living by the truth is weakening.   It seems that some feel they can create their own standards, and by them they live.   If they wake up the next morning they maintain the freedom within their own hearts to change the standards they live by.   I can remember hearing a woman  condoning and encouraging that it is okay when people tell little “white lies.” She exclaimed that some types of lies are just simply a polite way of dealing with people.   I personally feel this is absolutely wrong, and I stand firm that proclaiming that any kind of lie, no matter how small or white is absolutely wrong. I can remember thinking as a teenager that is was okay to lie about certain things. I can remember as well how troubled it would make me feel inside. I did it because my friends did it and I assumed it was okay. May I add that I can remember the day that the Lord totally liberated me to His truth
and I was able to live with a clear conscience!



So what is a white lie? This is what the definition of it is… a minor or unimportant lie, especially one uttered in the interests of tact or politeness.    Let us as believers be careful to guard our hearts and mouths that we do not proclaim lies to avoid dealing in God’s truth in a matter. 


I have heard it said before that the thing about telling lies is that you better remember exactly how you told it or you will get caught. There is so much freedom in being truthful to others and most importantly being true to yourself. One of my most favorite quotes that I feel is an excellent one to live by was by William Shakespeare.


“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”


Today I encourage you to embrace truth in your heart. You know…God in heaven has promised to keep His Word and He never lies. He never changes and He is dependable. TRUTH is such a liberating way to live! Let us look to Him to teach us to walk in truth in every area of our life.

“The Lord will keep all His promises (is faithful/true in all His words.” Psalm 145:13



Devotional for Thursday, June 9, 2016
“Purposing To Maintain a Renewed Mind”
renew the mind
by Dona Hake

I can remember hearing a US Senator being interviewed on the news. The subject was on the mud slinging of the recent campaigns and truth that was being twisted. As this Senator was being interviewed the subject of people just needing to just be honest and real. The Senator exclaimed at one point, “Don’t fit in…just be you!!!” I just loved this because there is so much truth in this statement. God made us all very special and unique. We are called for a specific purpose, yet we can fall prey to what the world and others say we should be or what we should be doing.  May we seek to keep our minds renewed to the truth of who we really are in Christ!


Sometimes people can feel frustrated because they really do not know who they are or what their purpose it. As believers, our identity absolutely needs to be in the Lord Jesus Christ. May we ever be reminded that all that we are and all that we do is only by the grace of God in our lives. It is Him that has begun a wonderful work in us, and as we remain humble He will mold and make us vessels that are wonderfully used by Him.


God has a perfect will for each of us and He treasures when we seek to know it. I believe He loves when we seek Him in the little details as well as the big ones. I wonder if we could ever comprehend how much it delights God’s heart when we seek Him in all things that pertain to life and godliness.


It is a wonderful thing to have direction in our life but even more important we need to know that we are always renewing our minds to the Word and will of our Lord, therefore being transformed! Today I encourage you to seek to be transformed and renewed in your mind on a daily basis. The world has such a strong current that serves to pull and tug at our hearts. The devil loves nothing more than to see us being side tracked or walking on the proverbial fence. God desires that our lives are proving out what the His perfect will is for us. Let us make it a practice to renew our minds and be refreshed by the Word of God. It is then that we will walk in that which is good and acceptable unto Him.

Romans 12:2 (AMP)
“Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].”


Devotional for Wednesday, June 8, 2016
 “God’s Mercy Never Runs Out!”
streams of mercy
by Dona Hake
Maybe you are reading this first thing n the morning or maybe you started your day many hours ago. Regardless of when you are reading this, I want to bring to your heart a reminder of God’s wonderful mercies in your life. No matter how busy your day is, and no matter how good or bad it seems to be going, I encourage you to ponder this…

Lamentations 3:22-23
New American Bible (Revised Edition)
“The Lord’s acts of mercy are not exhausted,
his compassion is not spent;
They are renewed each morning—
great is your faithfulness!”

As we look to Him at the start of our day we can stand believing for bountiful blessings flowing from His hand into our life. We can know that everything we will need to sustain us is there, and all we have to do is ask Him for it. I love knowing that I serve a God that is FULL of mercy and He promises that it never runs out nor can it be exhausted! As you meditate upon this, I encourage you to set your gaze upon Him and allow your spirit to receive all that He has for you today. We can look to Him in prayer and believe that His fullness will be upon us as we trust in Him.

Psalm 90:17
“And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us,
and direct thou the work of our hands upon us…”

I believe as we allow His beauty or His grace to be upon us, He will direct the work of our hands. He will begin to deal with how we view everything. He is well able to put us in alignment with His will as we stay humble to Him. He will in turn cause all that we set our hand to to be blessed and prosperous.  Praise Him today for His wonderful mercies that never run out!!!!


Devotional for Tuesday, June 7, 2016
“Lord, Give Us Each Day…”
seeking God
by Dona Hake
The Word of God tells us that if we seek we will find. Our loving God loves when we seek Him. Even though He knows EXACTLY what we need, He desires that our hearts exhibit our need of asking Him.  Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and one of the things to ask for was His daily bread.   This is the bread and sustenance that comes only from above! Let us look at two translations that I felt were excellent.



Matthew 6:11 (DRA)
“Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.”

Matthew 6:11 (VOICE)
” Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—”
The Lord knows our needs before we are even aware of them. He also knows the areas in our hearts that are weak and needy. It can be so tempting to concern ourselves with things that we do not yet have to deal with. When we believe that He is faithful to give us exactly what we need, our hearts and minds will be at peace.
Today I encourage you to meditate upon the fact that God is faithful to give us the “bread” we need to get us through one day at a time. That bread will sustain us, and keep us nourished in our spirits. Thank you Lord for daily bread …no more, no less….we thank You that Your bread that You sustain us with  is alive and living and all so powerful!


Devotional for Monday, June 6, 2016
“The Living Water That Only He Can Give”
but the water
by Dona Hake
This world can try to pull and tug at our hearts. The devil tries to deceive us and tempt us that we would seek after worldly pleasure rather than the life of the living God.    If we do not keep our eyes on Jesus we can be lured into seeking our satisfaction in things other than Him. Let us also be ever so careful for If we are not careful we can get our eyes too much on our blessings. and forget the One that gave them in the first place. 
Only Jesus can satisfy the thirst of our souls. Jesus explained to the woman at the well the meaning of the true spring of water that only He gives.

John 4:13-14
Amplified Bible

“Jesus answered her, All who drink of this water will be thirsty again.
But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life.”

When you feel life problems and this world draining you of your strength and peace, stop and drink of His water that will strengthen and refresh your soul. Know that it will continue to nourish your soul and it has no end. As this scripture translation says, His water “shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling, continually…” This gives such a beautiful image of His living water within us. It truly is the life flow from which we can draw upon whenever we meet uncertainty and overwhelming problems. God is gracious and He ever lives to pour forth that living water onto us!


Devotional for Sunday, June 5, 2016
“Our Sweet Portion”
soon in glory
by Dona Hake
Today I will wrap up our meditation upon the verses in the hymn “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” The following is the fourth verse:

“Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer—
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.”

As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ we can set our gaze on the blessed hope that “soon in glory bright, unclouded…” Oh that blessed day when we are in the presence of the Lord and His saints. This is a beautiful hope and it is to be embraced!   This is the sweet portion that is awaiting us after our work on this earth is complete!  I love this meditation also  when I think of loved ones that have gone before us. Some day….oh yes!…some blessed day, we will reunite and see each other again! What a wonderful day that will be as we stand in His presence enjoying our sweet portion.

We have looked at this hymn and have seen the writer’s focus and intent that it would bring revelation of understanding that Jesus desires to be our Friend. He has promised us refuge, He will heal our sicknesses, and He brings us peace in the midst of turmoil. On and on I could share of the many things that He promises. As for me I want to know that I am walking by Him closely, and not taking my eyes off of His will for my life. You see, He has promised to never leave us but we do tend to get our eyes off of Him at times. Thank God for His forgiveness and restoration.

So we have this wonderful promise of our “sweet portion” awaiting us, but truth is we each have a work to do here. We need to be strong in our Lord, seek His will and run the race He has set before us. Each of us has a specific race to run, and our time left here is different, but one thing for sure, He wants us to give our all for Him! ~ Praise Him! ~

Hebrews 12:1-2 (ERV)

“…So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall. 2 We must never stop looking to Jesus.”


Devotional for Saturday, June 4, 2016
“When Our Faith Is Under Pressure”
faith under pressure
by Dona Hake

Today we will continue looking at the Hymn written by Joseph M. Scriven, entitled “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.”   I shared with you yesterday that he wrote this song for his mother that was dealing with an illness.     We know that our Lord is our healer, and by faith we stand upon His Word.   Many times though pain and suffering can hinder our focus therefore causing our hearts to be discouraged. Thank God that Jesus understands, and He is able to lift us up in those times!  Let us look at another verse of this beautiful song “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”.


“Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.”

Sometimes it seems as if there are seasons in which there is one trial after another. Temptations are around us at all times, so we can answer the first part of this verse with a big “Yes!!!” We all well understand that many times in the midst of trials and temptations that our hearts can lose hope and be tempted to discouragement if we do not stay focused and remain in faith.

I praise God that Jesus knows us inside and out and, He also knows EVERY weakness within us.  Let us seek Him in  prayer and believe that   He will reveal to us those weaknesses. I know this wonderful Friend named Jesus will not only show us us our  weaknesses but He will enable us to learn, grow and become strong in those weak places within our soul.
I encourage you to take your known weaknesses to Him, and ask Him for wisdom. Also ask Him to reveal in His timing the weaknesses that are within you that you are not aware of. Many times it is when we are standing in the midst of hardships that we awakened to areas within our soul that are weak or broken down. We may think we are so strong to find out differently in the midst of a trial. Let this not discourage our hearts but rather determine we are able  grow in the midst of it all.

James 1:2-5The Voice (VOICE)

“Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing. 5 If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking.”

  • I thank God today that I serve and walk with my good friend Jesus. He said He would share in all of my sorrows, and even though He knows every weakness of your’s and mine, He continues to stand and walk beside us. What a friend we have in Jesus!!


Devotional for Friday, June 3, 2016
“Are You Cumbered With Care?”
are we weak and heavy laden
by Dona Hake
Today I would like to share some words from verse three of “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”.   This song was written in 1855 by Joseph M. Scriven.   He wrote it to comfort his mother while she was ill.  Let us look closely and ponder these precious words that were put to music so very long ago.

“Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.”

 The word  ~Cumbered ~  is not one of those words you hear today. Defined it means

to hinder; hamper..
to overload; burden.
to inconvenience; trouble.
We can all identify those times when  our hearts have been  heavy, and cumbered with care.Our thoughts are hindered, and we cannot think straight. When we are weak from carrying care, our hearts and minds will go into overload, and it is going to affect us in many ways. It seems that the writer of this hymn appeared to have a revelation that his good Friend Jesus did not want him to try to bear the cares and burdens of this world nor did he want his mother, therefore this song was birthed.   As I read this verse I thought it’s enough to deal with resisting  carrying cares at times, but then he throws into the mix the thought of friends not only walking away, but being despised by them. Terrible thought isn’t it?

When you have what you thought was a friendship with someone, and something comes between you, it can be hurtful and devastating. So in this verse he asks, “Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?” Today I just want to encourage those of you that have deep hurt from broken relationships. Jesus with open arms wants to hold you and heal your heart. He promises that you will find solace in His embrace. Many times broken relationships are restored but sadly there are some that are not. Jesus still promises to be there, and be all that you need Him to be. Our Savior, still our refuge!


Hebrews 13:5 (ESV)

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


6 Responses to “Devotional”

  1. Lisa Viands says:

    This is a good way of teaching the kids to forgive each other(Matt. 5:7). I like the power of this gentle scripture and lesson… Thanks!!

  2. Selena Neely says:

    Ralph &I are really enjoying your devotional together.

  3. Selena Neely says:

    Oh, what a wonderful reminder! I want to break the magnifing glass of worry and trust God for each step I take.

  4. Dona Hake says:

    It is interesting Selena how the more we worry the bigger and more magnified things get in our minds. Oh how important it is to trust our God for the smallest of things! Thank you for sharing!