“Grace: the freely given, unmerited favor of God;
the Spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.”
Here is another definition that blessed me…
eternal, overflowing, perfect,
and lavish, yet free. Undeserved,
enlightening, incomprehensible,
glorious, and divine, yet available.
It is abounding and astounding.
God’s grace is amazing!
This is what John Newton said…
“I am not what I ought to be.
I am not what I want to be.
I am not what I hope to be.
But still, I am not what I used to be,
And by the grace of God,
I am what I am.”
These are words from a truly humbled heart before God. So who is it that asks for His grace? It is the man or woman that seeks to have a humble heart, and resist any form of pride whatsoever. It is the heart that truly understands where all strength, ability, and power come from. It is the heart that totally understands where true change comes from.
When I read what John Newton wrote, I see a heart that is longing to be in the “present moment” with a loving God. I encourage you to read this again and ask God to reveal to your heart all that He has done in you, yet there is still so much more that needs accomplished. I encourage you to start your day by asking Him and thanking Him for His grace in your life! Praise Him for who He has made you to be today, and where He has brought you from! Yet always keep in your focus the fact that God still has a great work He desires to do in you and it will only be brought about as you continue to ask for His grace.