by Dona Hake
I can not begin to tell you how many times that I have strategically planned to get myself ready in the morning to be somewhere at a specific time. I am completely ready to walk out the door at the exact moment I need to leave to find that I cannot find my car keys. Out front of my house is sitting my Jeep. It is the one and only thing that is able and will get me to where I need to be, yet without the keys, it is not going to happen. I will be honest that there are occasions that I get into anxiety when this happens because I hate being late! That one and only little key is missing, and I must find it. Usually when I do find it, it was put somewhere that it should not have been placed, and it was only because I wasn’t thinking at the moment.
Have you ever felt that way spiritually? You feel like you have done all you know to do yet you feel like something is missing or misplaced. Many times it may be one little thing, and we just have to find it.
Today I want to encourage you in the fact that the Lord has given us every thing that we need to do that which He has assigned us to do. Good news isn’t it? No matter what the task, the responsibility, or ministry, God has exactly what you need.

If you ever feel tempted to be anxious about how you are going to do what you need to do for Him, just think about this wonderful scripture. He has given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind to do all that He asks. For every door you need to walk through, He has the key to enable you to do so. Trust in Him for He is always able.