by Dona Hake
Most vehicles sound off a little alarm of some sort to warn you that you are low in gas. If you are wise you pay attention to it and make sure that the gas station is a stop that you will make in the day. If you ignore it, you are sure to encounter an inconvenience. If you park your car in town and you fill your meter for one hour, you are given that one hour to complete your errand. If you do not get back on time and the meter is empty, you could be pulling a slip out from under your windshield wiper with a hefty little fine you have to pay. You did not keep filling the meter and you ended up paying for it in a more expensive way.
Today I want to share about us paying attention to our hearts being kept full and maintained by all the good things of God. You know He desires that we be full and stay full that we may live the victorious life that He intends for us to live. How many things in life do we diligently pay attention to in the natural…our gas tanks, our bank accounts, the parking meter, food in the refrigerator, etc… We keep a mental note and physical notes that we are maintaining these things, yet our spiritual being could be totally dehydrated and we do not even notice. When we are dehydrated spiritually, eventually we are going to pay for it. We will not have the strength that we need, therefore we cannot persevere. As our peace is no longer present, we will react to things in a way that we wished we had not. On and on I could go sharing about the good things that God desires we stay full of as we maintain our time with Him and in His Word. He desires we be full!
Let us diligently watch over the gauge of our hearts and minds. Pay attention to the warning signals. Let us be watchful that we do not become dehydrated in things that He desires we be filled with. We actually come to this place of “dehydration” when we begin to live life from our own resources and our own ability. When we stop trusting God for the littlest of things, it eventually snowballs every area of our life. God desires to fill that we bubble over with hope as we trust in Him. I encourage you to do so today. God is so good, trust in Him!!!
Romans 15:13 ERV
“I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much
joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more
and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.”