Devotional 4/10/20

by Dona Hake
“There is no God except the Lord.
There is no Rock except our God.
God is the one who gives me strength.
He clears the path I need to take.
He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer.
Even on steep mountains he keeps me
from falling. He trains me for war so that
my arms can bend the most powerful bow.
Lord, you have given me your shield to
protect me. You support me with your
right hand. It is your help that has
made me great. You cleared a path
for my feet so that I could walk
without stumbling. I chased my
enemies and caught them. I did
not stop until they were destroyed.
I struck them down, and they could
not get up again. They fell under my feet.”
Psalm 18:31-38 – ERV
Psalm 18:31-38 – ERV
“Even on steep mountains
he keeps me from falling.”
Yes, in this life there may be deep valleys and steep mountains but He has promised… We are going through together! Why? Because no one stands like our Rock! and there is mighty power in the righteous man or woman that lives and prays fervently to Him. I leave you with this confession for you to speak and meditate upon…
He is teaching me how to be discerning that my feet will not slip.
He encircles me with His strength and He straightens my path!
He’s made my feet sure footed .
He is clearing my path and making it straight.
He gives me the exact wisdom that I need for this day.
I WILL walk in His strength to fight as a warrior.
He teaches me how to fight with my
spiritual weapons through prayer
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I will stand upon this Rock and
I will fight and pray relentlessly till
any enemies in my life are struck down in Jesus Name!