Devotional for Tuesday, April 12, 2016
“Patience and Encouragement”
“Patience and Encouragement”

by Dona Hake
Romans 15:4-5. ERV
“Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. Those things were written so that we could have hope. That hope comes from the patience and encouragement that the Scriptures give us. All patience and encouragement come from God.”
“Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. Those things were written so that we could have hope. That hope comes from the patience and encouragement that the Scriptures give us. All patience and encouragement come from God.”
As believers we must always value and prioritize God’s Word and it’s place in our life. We have heard it said many times that so important that we commit ourselves to attending the church the Lord has called you to. Fellowship with believers around the Bread of Life is needful to our growth. God’s Word will bring light and life, and will help us to know exactly what to do in this life. God’s Word is our Daily Bread and our Lord has promised that it will sustain us.
As this Scripture says, the Word of God brings us patience and encouragement. From this patience and encouragement we embrace our hope, and we are anchored by this blessed hope! We can have hope that God will be with us every day. We can have hope that He truly is the answer. He never changes for He is the same yesterday today and forever. We can live this life with this blessed hope which empowers our hearts with courage to do the will of God. Praise Him today for He is the One from whom all blessings flow!