Devotional for Friday, February 1, 2019
“The Lord Our Provision”

by Dona Hake
The Word of God tells us that if we lean on our own riches and ability that we will surely fall. God desires that we lean on Him and trust Him for His provision, and His provision alone. Even though He knows every one of our needs He desires that we seek Him every day, and reach out to receive what we need that we would not be in want of anything. It is then that our lives will flourish and speak of our Lord’s wonderful care to all those around us. We will be testimonies of walking with a Good Shepherd that lovingly takes care of us…spirit, soul and body.
“He who leans on and trusts in and is confident
in his riches will fall, But the righteous
[who trust in God’s provision]
will flourish like a green leaf.”
Proverbs 11:28 – Amplified Version
Proverbs 11:28 – Amplified Version
Here in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus taught His disciples to pray about the bread or their provision for the day.
Matthew 6:11 (DRA) “Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.”
Matthew 6:11 (VOICE) ” Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—”
Today I encourage you to meditate upon the fact that God is faithful to give us the “bread” we need to get us through one day at a time. That bread will sustain us, and keep us nourished in our spirits. Thank you Lord for our daily bread …no more, no less….we thank You that Your bread that You sustain us with is alive and living and all so powerful! Lord, you ARE our Provision.